Mark Juras
Owned by Mark Juras
The PostingPair Service Class
The service class PostingPair gives simple gives access to the SortPair class in the services library.PropertyBag ComboBox/ListBox .ItemData and .List
Both List and ItemData must be specified in the property bag for these controls. The internal logic will use the presence in the Registry of this Database to trigger the migration.<Registry type="Table" source="ItemData" />
if(Registry_GetNameRoot("Table","ItemData") == 0) return 0; iRet = GmslHandlers_CallMethod("Utility.ListControls",iChild,0,iStart); return iRet;
if(Registry_GetNameRoot("Table","ItemData") != 0) { GmslHandlers_CallMethod("Utility.ListControls",root,1,0); }
int ListControls(int iRoot,int action,int iStart) { tCodeBlock codptr; int ctlType; int listAddr; int itemDataAddr; int list; int itemData; int Record[2]; int levels[19]; int iChild; int index; string listEntry; string itemEntry; string tokens[64]; string token; int nToken; int tokenType; int member; int pairRoot; int postPair; Handle storeArea; if(action == 0) { codptr = Opcode.GetCode(); ctlType = Store.GetObjectType(iRoot); listAddr = ControlData.FindProperty(ctlType,"List",iStart); itemDataAddr = ControlData.FindProperty(ctlType,"ItemData",iStart); Opcode.GetOperation(codptr,listAddr,list); Opcode.GetOperation(codptr,itemDataAddr,itemData); pairRoot = Registry.GetNameRoot("Table","ItemData"); postPair = Registry.GetPosting(pairRoot); storeArea = Store.GetHandle(); if(postPair == 0) { postPair = PostingPair.Create(storeArea); Registry.SetPosting(pairRoot,postPair); } Record[0] = list; Record[1] = itemData; index = Store.String(Record); PostingPair.Write(storeArea,postPair,iRoot,index); Opcode.Delete(listAddr,2); return 1; } else if(action == 1) { pairRoot = Registry.GetNameRoot("Table","ItemData"); postPair = Registry.GetPosting(pairRoot); if(postPair == 0) return 0; storeArea = Store.GetHandle(); for(iChild = Store.FindFirstChild(levels,iRoot); iChild != 0; iChild = Store.FindNextChild(levels)) { index = PostingPair.Find(storeArea,postPair,iChild); if(index != 0) { if(Select.Dialect == Dialects.vbn) { Write.Line("Me." + Store.GetName(iChild) + ".Items.AddRange(new MigrationSupport.UI.ItemData() {"); } else Write.Line("this." + Store.GetName(iChild) + ".Items.AddRange(new MigrationSupport.UI.ItemData[] {"); Store.GetInfo(index,Record); listEntry = Store.GetString(Record[0]); itemEntry = Store.GetString(Record[1]); Parser.SetStatement(listEntry); nToken = 0; while(true) { token = Parser.GetToken(tokenType); if(tokenType == 0) break; if(token != ",") { tokens[nToken] = token; nToken = nToken + 1; } } Parser.SetStatement(itemEntry); Write.ChangeMargin(1); for(member = 0; member < nToken; member = member + 1) { token = Parser.GetToken(tokenType); Write.Text("new MigrationSupport.UI.ItemData("""); Write.Text(tokens[member] + """," + token + ")"); if(member < (nToken-1)) Write.Text(","); else if(Select.Dialect == Dialects.vbn) Write.Text("})"); else Write.Text("});"); Write.Record(); token = Parser.GetToken(tokenType); } Write.ChangeMargin(-1); } } } return 0; }
PostingPair.Create Method
The Create method creates a small integer SortPair used for looking up links and relationships between components in long memory based on their defining root offsets.<Method id="Create" type="Integer" opcode="SCM.PostingPair_Create" > <Argument id="Store" type="Object" status="ByVal" /> </Method>
Parameter | Description |
Store | specifies the long memory area that is to contain the sort pair |
If all goes well, then the method returns the root offset in the long memory area of the control information vector for the posting pair. If there is a problem, then a zero is returned.
PostingPair.Find Method
The Find method looks up the posting value associated with a posting index into a posting pair.<Method id="Find" type="Integer" opcode="SCM.PostingPair_Find" > <Argument id="Store" type="Object" status="ByVal" /> <Argument id="Base" type="Integer" status="ByVal" /> <Argument id="Index" type="Integer" status="ByVal" /> </Method>
Parameter | Description |
Store | Specifies the handle for the long memory area containing the posting pair. |
Base | Specifies the root offset of the posting pair in the storage area. |
Index | Specifies the index value for which a corresponding posting value is desired. |
If the posting pair contains an entry for the index, then its associated value is returned; else a zero is returned.
PostingPair.Write Method
The Write method writes a new posting to a posting pair.<Method id="Write" type="Integer" opcode="SCM.PostingPair_Write" > <Argument id="Store" type="Object" status="ByVal" /> <Argument id="Base" type="Integer" status="ByVal" /> <Argument id="Index" type="Integer" status="ByVal" /> <Argument id="Posting" type="Integer" status="ByVal"/> </Method>
Parameter | Description |
Store | Specifies the handle for the long memory area containing the posting pair. |
Base | Specifies the root offset of the posting pair in the storage area. |
Index | Specifies the index value for which a corresponding posting value is needed. |
Posting | Specifies the posting value to be associated with the index. |
If the pair already exists and has a nonzero value associated with it, the method returns a zero.
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