Mark Juras
Owned by Mark Juras
The Character Service Class
The service class Character processes character strings in various ways. Internally, this class assumes that all character strings are sequences of 8-bit unsigned bytes -- i.e. with values in the range 0-255. Though not required all current implementations of this class use ASCII or UTF-8 variable length encoding and the descriptions of the methods assume that encoding.Character.Compare Method
Declaration<Method id="Compare" type="Integer" opcode="SCM.Character_Compare"> <Argument id="string1" type="String" status="ByVal" /> <Argument id="string2" type="String" status="ByVal" /> <Argument id="nCompare" type="Integer" status="ByVal" /> </Method>
Parameter | Description |
string1 | contains the first character vector in the comparison. |
string2 | contains the second character vector in the comparison. |
nCompare | specifies the number of characters to be compared. |
string name1 = "Fred"; string name2 = "Freddy"; Write.Line "Unit test for Character.Compare() Method" if(name1 != name2) Write.Line(name1 + " does not equal " + name2); Write.Line("Character.Compare(name1,name2,6) = " + Character.Compare(name1,name2,6)); Write.Line("Character.Compare(name2,name1,6) = " + Character.Compare(name2,name1,6)); Write.Line("Character.Compare(name1,name2,4) = " + Character.Compare(name1,name2,4));
Unit test for Character.Compare() Method Fred does not equal Freddy Character.Compare(name1,name2,6) = -68 Character.Compare(name2,name1,6) = 68 Character.Compare(name1,name2,4) = 0
Character.FindFirst Method
Declaration<Method id="FindFirst" type="Integer" opcode="SCM.Character_FindFirst" > <Argument id="source" type="String" status="ByVal" /> <Argument id="iStart" type="integer" status="ByVal"/> <Argument id="substr" type="String" status="ByVal" /> </Method>
Parameter | Description |
source | contains the string which is being searched. |
iStart | specifies the position relative to zero of the start of the search. |
substr | contains the substring which is being searched for. |
string input; int index; Write.Line "Unit test for Character.FindFirst() Method" input = "\fkgtest\FmStocks\src\WebSite\t_begin_cart.asp"; index = Character.FindFirst(input,0,"\"); Write.Line("Index of \ in <" + input + "> is " + index); input = Character.Replace(input,"\","_"); index = Character.FindFirst(input,0,"\"); Write.Line("Index of \ in <" + input + "> is " + index);
Unit test for Character.FindFirst() Method Index of \ in <\fkgtest\FmStocks\src\WebSite\t_begin_cart.asp> is 1 Index of \ in <_fkgtest_FmStocks_src_WebSite_t_begin_cart.asp> is 0
Character.HexiDecimal Method
The HexiDecimal method converts an unsigned integer value into a character string using hexadecimal, decimal, octal, or binary notation.<Method id="HexiDecimal" type="string" opcode="SCM.Character_HexiDecimal" > <Argument id="iValue" type="Integer" status="ByVal" /> <Argument id="base" type="Integer" status="ByVal" /> </Method>
Parameter | Description |
iValue | is the integer value to be converted. |
base | is the base to be used -- 2, 8, 10, or 16. |
void TestHexidecimal { int value = 59; Write.Line "Unit test for Character.HexiDecimal() Method" Write.Line("Representation of " + value + " as base 2 is: " + Character.HexiDecimal(value,2)); Write.Line("Representation of " + value + " as base 8 is: " + Character.HexiDecimal(value,8)); Write.Line("Representation of " + value + " as base 10 is: " + Character.HexiDecimal(value,10)); Write.Line("Representation of " + value + " as base 16 is: " + Character.HexiDecimal(value,16)); }
Unit test for Character.HexiDecimal() Method Representation of 59 as base 2 is: 111011 Representation of 59 as base 8 is: 73 Representation of 59 as base 10 is: 59 Representation of 59 as base 16 is: 3b
Character.Insert Method
The Insert method inserts a substring into a base string starting at a zero-based offset.<Method id="Insert" type="string" opcode="SCM.Character_Insert" > <Argument id="source" type="String" status="ByVal" /> <Argument id="iStart" type="integer" status="ByVal"/> <Argument id="subStr" type="String" status="ByVal" /> </Method>
Parameter | Description |
source | base string that receives the substring |
iStart | zero-based offset in the base string where the insertion is to begin |
subStr | substring being inserted |
void TestInsert() { string oldSQL = "select * from accounts where accountID < ? and FirstName like ?"; string newSQL = oldSQL; int index; int iPos; int lPos; Write.Line "Unit test for Character.Insert() Method" iPos = 0; for(index = 0; index < 10; index = index + 1) { lPos = Character.FindFirst(newSQL,iPos,"?"); if(!lPos) break; iPos = iPos + lPos - 1; newSQL = Character.Remove(newSQL,iPos,1); newSQL = Character.Insert(newSQL,iPos,"@" + index); } Write.Line("OLD: " + oldSQL); Write.Line("NEW: " + newSQL); }
Unit test for Character.Insert() Method OLD: select * from accounts where accountID < ? and FirstName like ? NEW: select * from accounts where accountID < @0 and FirstName like @1
Character.Remove Method
The Remove method forms a new string by removing a specified number of characters from a string starting at a zero-based offset into the string.<Method id="Remove" type="string" opcode="SCM.Character_Remove" > <Argument id="strValue" type="string" status="ByVal"/> <Argument id="iStart" type="integer" status="ByVal"/> <Argument id="length" type="integer" status="ByVal"/> </Method>
Parameter | Description |
strValue | contains the string from which characters are to be removed |
iStart | specifies the zero-based offset of the first character to be removed. |
length | specifies the number of characters to be removed. |
void TestRemove() { int iPos; int semi; string dbs = "UID=stocks_login;PWD=password;Database=stocks;" + "Server=GMI-CS-01.gmi.local;Driver={SQL Server};" + "DSN='';"; string connect = dbs; Write.Line "Unit test for Character.Remove() Method" iPos = Character.FindFirst(connect,0,"Driver="); if(iPos) { iPos = iPos - 1; semi = Character.FindFirst(connect,iPos,";"); if(semi) { connect = Character.Remove(connect,iPos,semi); } } iPos = Character.FindFirst(connect,0,"DSN="); if(iPos) { iPos = iPos - 1; semi = Character.FindFirst(connect,iPos,";"); if(semi) { connect = Character.Remove(connect,iPos,semi); } } Write.Line("OLD: " + dbs); Write.Line("NEW: " + connect); }
Unit test for Character.Remove() Method OLD: UID=stocks_login;PWD=password;Database=stocks;Server=GMI-CS-01.gmi.local;Driver={SQL Server};DSN=''; NEW: UID=stocks_login;PWD=password;Database=stocks;Server=GMI-CS-01.gmi.local;
Character.Replace Method
The Replace method forms a new string from an existing one in which all occurrences of a specified substring have been replace by a new substring.<Method id="Replace" type="string" opcode="SCM.Character_Replace" > <Argument id="source" type="string" status="ByVal"/> <Argument id="oldStr" type="integer" status="ByVal"/> <Argument id="newStr" type="integer" status="ByVal"/> </Method>
Parameter | Description |
source | contains the original string to be modified. |
oldStr | contains the substring whose occurrences are to be replaced. |
newStr | contains the replacing substring. |
void TestReplace { string input; string result; Write.Line "Unit test for Character.Replace() Method" input = "\Manual\FmStocks\WebSite\t_begin_cart.asp"; result = Character.Replace(input,"\","_"); Write.Line("Input<" + input + "> result<" + result + ">"); input = "some sort of text/string right here"; result = Character.Replace(input,"right","in"); Write.Line("Input<" + input + "> result<" + result + ">"); input = "Mary had a little lamb."; result = Character.Replace(input,"lamb","tiger"); Write.Line("Input<" + input + "> result<" + result + ">"); input = "Good dog, good dog"; result = Character.Replace(input, "Good","Bad"); Write.Line("Input<" + input + "> result<" + result + ">"); }
Unit test for Character.Replace() Method Input<\Manual\FmStocks\WebSite\t_begin_cart.asp> result<_Manual_FmStocks_WebSite_t_begin_cart.asp> Input<some sort of text/string right here> result<some sort of text/string in here> Input<Mary had a little lamb.> result<Mary had a little tiger.> Input<Good dog, good dog> result<Bad dog, Bad dog>
Character.Substr Method
The Substr method forms a new string by extracting a substring from a supplied one.<Method id="Substr" type="string" opcode="SCM.Character_Substr" > <Argument id="strValue" type="string" status="ByVal"/> <Argument id="iStart" type="integer" status="ByVal"/> <Argument id="length" type="integer" status="ByVal"/> </Method>
Parameter | Description |
strValue | is the supplied source string. |
iStart | is the starting offset in the source string, relative to zero, of the start of the substring. |
length | is the desired length of the substring. If it is negative or zero, then it is added to the length of the source string to determine its final value. |
void TestSubstr() { int vbpRoot; tInfoFile vbpInfo; Handle textStream; int rai; int length; string record; int nRecord; int curRecord; int nString; string refName; Write.Line "Unit test for Character.Substr() Method" Store.Open("\Manual\FmStocks\usr\FmStocks.vbi",StorageUnit.USER,0); vbpRoot = Store.FindVector("\Manual\FmStocks\src\FMStocks_DB.vbp",0); vbpInfo = Store.GetVector(vbpRoot); textStream = Text.Open(Store.GetHandle(),vbpInfo.textBase); nRecord = Text.Maximum(textStream); curRecord = 0; while(curRecord < nRecord) { curRecord = curRecord + 1; Text.Position(textStream,curRecord); record = Text.Access(textStream, length, rai, 0); if(length > 12) { if(Character.Compare(record,"Reference=",10) == 0) { nString = length - 10; refName = Character.Substr(record,10,nString); Write.Line("Found Reference: " + refName); } } } Store.Close(); }
Unit test for Character.Substr() Method Found Reference: *\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\..\..\..\..\WINDOWS\system32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation Found Reference: *\G{00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}#2.5#0#..\..\..\..\..\Program Files\Common Files\system\ado\msado25.tlb#Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library Found Reference: *\G{2A005C00-A5DE-11CF-9E66-00AA00A3F464}#1.0#0#..\..\..\..\..\WINDOWS\system32\COMSVCS.DLL#COM+ Services Type Library
Character.ToLower Method
The ToLower method forces the case of any alphabetic characters contained in a specified string to lower-case. Characters that are not alphabetic or that already have lower-case are not changed.<Method id="ToLower" type="string" opcode="SCM.Character_Tolower" > <Argument id="strValue" type="string" status="ByVal"/> <Argument id="iStart" type="integer" status="ByVal"/> <Argument id="length" type="integer" status="ByVal"/> </Method>
Parameter | Description |
strValue | is the string containing the value to be converted. |
iStart | is the starting relative to zero of the characters to be converted. |
length | is the number of characters to be considered for conversion. |
void TestTolower() { string input; string output; Write.Line "Unit test for Character.Tolower() Method" input = "abcdefg" output = Character.Toupper(input,0,2); Write.Line("toupper(""" + input + """,0,2) = " + output) input = Character.Tolower(output,1,1) Write.Line("tolower(""" + output + """,1,1) = " + input) }
Unit test for Character.Tolower() Method toupper("abcdefg",0,2) = ABcdefg tolower("ABcdefg",1,1) = Abcdefg
Character.ToUpper Method
The ToUpper method forces the case of any alphabetic characters contained in a specified string to upper-case. Characters that are not alphabetic or that already have upper-case are not changed.<Method id="ToUpper" type="string" opcode="SCM.Character_Toupper" > <Argument id="strValue" type="string" status="ByVal"/> <Argument id="iStart" type="integer" status="ByVal"/> <Argument id="length" type="integer" status="ByVal"/> </Method>
Parameter | Description |
strValue | is the string containing the value to be converted. |
iStart | is the starting relative to zero of the characters to be converted. |
length | is the number of characters to be considered for conversion. |
void TestToupper() { string input; string output; Write.Line "Unit test for Character.Toupper() Method" input = "abcdefg" output = Character.Toupper(input,0,2); Write.Line("toupper(""" + input + """,0,2) = " + output) input = Character.Tolower(output,1,1) Write.Line("tolower(""" + output + """,1,1) = " + input) }
Unit test for Character.Toupper() Method toupper("abcdefg",0,2) = ABcdefg tolower("ABcdefg",1,1) = Abcdefg
Character.Unpack Method
The Unpack method extracts a specified string from a set of strings packed into a single string instance.<Method id="Unpack" type="string" opcode="SCM.Character_Unpack" > <Argument id="strValue" type="string" status="ByVal"/> <Argument id="iStart" type="integer" status="ByVal"/> </Method>
Parameter | Description |
strValue | contains the packed set of strings. |
iStart | is the index relative to one of the desired string. |
The method returns the unpacked string. One of the packed string sets used by gmBasic contains the handler and argument class names for an event. The code here extracts these for the individual events in the ADODB.ConnectionEvents class.
void TestUnpack() { int classRoot; int compRoot; tLibComp libComp; int evtType; string evtInfo; Write.Line "Unit test for Character.Unpack() Method" Store.Open("\Manual\FmStocks\usr\FmStocks.vbi",StorageUnit.USER,0); classRoot = Symbol.FindIdentifier("ADODB.ConnectionEvents" ,0); for(compRoot = Store.GetFirst(classRoot); compRoot != 0; compRoot = Store.GetNext(compRoot)) { libComp = Store.GetVector(compRoot); if(libComp.refType == ComponentType.EVENT) { evtType = libComp.type; if(evtType > Defines.OPC_MAXIMUM) { evtInfo = Store.GetString(evtType); Write.Line("Event components for:" + Store.GetName(compRoot)); Write.Line(" Handler:" + Character.Unpack(evtInfo,0)); Write.Line(" Args:" + Character.Unpack(evtInfo,1)); } } } Store.Close(); }
Unit test for Character.Unpack() Method Event components for:InfoMessage Handler:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_InfoMessageEventHandler Args:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_InfoMessageEvent Event components for:BeginTransComplete Handler:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_BeginTransCompleteEventHandler Args:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_BeginTransCompleteEvent Event components for:CommitTransComplete Handler:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_CommitTransCompleteEventHandler Args:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_CommitTransCompleteEvent Event components for:RollbackTransComplete Handler:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_RollbackTransCompleteEventHandler Args:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_RollbackTransCompleteEvent Event components for:WillExecute Handler:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_WillExecuteEventHandler Args:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_WillExecuteEvent Event components for:ExecuteComplete Handler:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_ExecuteCompleteEventHandler Args:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_ExecuteCompleteEvent Event components for:WillConnect Handler:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_WillConnectEventHandler Args:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_WillConnectEvent Event components for:ConnectComplete Handler:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_ConnectCompleteEventHandler Args:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_ConnectCompleteEvent Event components for:Disconnect Handler:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_DisconnectEventHandler Args:ADODB.ConnectionEvents_DisconnectEvent
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