The gmSL Language
The gmSL language has a simple contemporary syntax married to an extensive set of built in enumerations
and classes define in the
gmBasic language file. Compiled
gmSL methods are executed
directly by the
gmBasic runtime engine.
The language is not case sensitive.
Strings are delimited by single or double quotes. A quote symbol within a string delimited by it
can be represented by doubling it.
gmSL program is a collection of statements. These statements combine expressions in
such a way that they carry out one complete task. A statement consists of one or more expressions,
keywords, or operators (symbols). Typically, a statement is written on a single line, although
a statement can be written over two or more lines. Alternatively, two or more statements can be
written on the same line by separating them with semicolons. In general, each new line begins a
new statement. To ensure readability, each statement should begin on a new line and should be
terminated explicitly with a semicolon (;). The semicolon is always a statement terminator.
The new line token is ambiguous; its meaning can be determined by looking at
the next line of content. If the next line content begins with a reserved word
that indicates a new statement the last new line is a statement terminator.
If the next line content begins with some token that indicates a continuation
of the prior statement the new line is white space.