Mark Juras
Owned by Mark Juras
The Classes Opcodes
The VB6 classes represent the classes built into VB6 and their individual components. They are as folows:Opcode | Description |
IDE | IDE global properties |
PBX | PictureBox |
LAB | Label |
TXB | TextBox |
FRA | Frame |
CMB | CommandButton |
CBX | Checkbox |
OBU | OptionButton |
CBO | ComboBox |
LSB | ListBox |
HBR | HScrollBar |
VBR | VScrollBar |
TIM | Timer |
PRN | Printer |
FOR | Form |
SCR | Screen |
CLP | Clipboard |
MEN | Menu |
MDI | MDIForm |
APP | Application |
SHA | Shape |
LIN | Line |
IMA | Image |
DAT | Data |
USC | UserControl |
PPA | PropertyPage |
UDC | UserDocument |
VCX | VBControlExtender |
FNT | Font components |
COL | Collections |
TAB | Tab control |
ERR | Error object |
Table of Contents
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