- Mark Juras
Owned by Mark Juras
The enumerations Opcodes
The VB6 enumerations represent the various enumerations and their entries. They are as folows:Opcode | Description |
SUP | Start up position constant |
SHC | Short cut key |
PBS | Picture box size mode |
BOS | Simple border style |
KEY | Ascii keypress constants |
LVT | Log event type |
DSY | DrawStyle constant |
DMO | DrawMode constant |
LFI | LineFill constant |
CHS | CharSet constant |
PTY | PictureType constant |
OST | OffsetStep constant |
LOK | LockType constant |
ACC | AccessType constant |
STY | ShareType constant |
CTY | CallType constant |
MPO | MousePointer constant |
WST | WindowStyle constant |
OMO | OpenMode constant |
FDT | FormatDateTime constant |
TRI | Tristate constant |
SCA | ScaleType constant |
CMP | ComparisonType constant |
SCV | StringConversion constant |
DRB | DirectoryAttribute constant |
MRE | MessageReturn constant |
MBU | MessageButton constant |
VTY | VariableType constant |
BAS | Button appearance style |
ASM | Application start mode |
MBT | Mouse button types |
RTY | Resource type constant |
FDW | FirstDayOfWeek constant |
FDY | FirstDayOfYear constant |
CLR | Color property |
DUE | DueDate constant |
WSA | WindowState constant |
ALI | Align Constants |
CHV | Checkbox value constant |
LBS | Listbox select constant |
PAL | Palette Mode constants |
ALM | Alignment Constants |
BSY | Form BorderStype Constants |
CBS | ComboBox Stype constants |
IME | IME mode constants |
CFX | Color fixed constants |
SBC | ScrollBar Control Constants |
ALH | Horizontal Alignment |
LAR | LayoutArrangment |
RLD | Right-Left direction |
CAL | Calendar type |
SFT | Shift Constants |
BKS | BackStyle constants |
UNQ | QueryUnload Method constants |
VBC | Miscellaneous VB constants |
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