- Mark Juras
Owned by Mark Juras
The Arithmetic Operators
The arithmetic operators perform calculations, which may be actual arithmetic but might well be any other type of calculation like masking or concatenation or comparison. They typically have suboperations for the different binary types that may be involved. They are as follows:Opcode | Description |
NEG | Negate a value |
NOT | Boolean NOT |
ADD | Add two values |
CAT | Concatenate two strings |
SUB | Subtract two values |
MUL | Multiply two values |
DIV | Divide two values |
IDV | Integer division of two values |
MOD | Modulus of two values |
EXP | Raise a value to an exponent |
GTR | Test for greater than |
GTE | Test for greater than or equal |
EQL | Test for equal to |
LTE | Test less than or equal to |
LTH | Test for less than |
NEQ | Test for not equal to |
IOR | Inclusive or |
AND | And |
LIK | Like |
XOR | Exclusive bitwise or |
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