Rename Statement Summary
Rename is a terminal, refactoring statement that occurs only with a
Refactor statement.
It changes the authored name of a component.
The attributes of the
Rename statement are as follows:
Attribute | Description
Identifier | This required identifier attribute specifies the component to be renamed. If the containing
Refactor statement had a FileFilter specified then this identifier should be
specified relative to it; else, it should be specified relative to the root of the symbol table.
Content | This required identifier specifies the name to be used for the component in the target code.
Status | This attribute is deprecated. If the component is a variable and if this attribute is
supplied any value, then the context flags Static and Private are set for it.
The script errors associated with the
Rename statement are as follows:
Error | Description
1095 | Unable to find identifier [%1d] in project.