Mark Juras
Owned by Mark Juras
Extend Statement Summary
Extend is a nonterminal, refactoring statement that occurs only in hostid oriented Refactor statements. Its purpose is to add properties to control classes needed to process property bag code. It can also be used to mirror coclasses in libraries. The attributes of the Extend statement are as follows:Attribute | Description |
Id | This attribute is the identifier of the class or coclass which is the focus of the extend operation. It is expressed relative to the Id attribute of the parent Refactor statement. It must identify a class or coclass within the hosting library. |
The substatements of the Extend statement are as follows:
Substatement | Description |
Property | A declaration statement that declares a property to be added to the class identified by the statement. Any valid Property declaration may used. |
Coclass | A terminal substatement of the Extend statement that extends the library with a new coclass with a different Id but with the same subclasses. |
The script errors associated with the Extend statement are as follows:
Error | Description |
1101 | Extend identifier [%1d] is not defined. |
The primary use of Extend is to add properties to control classes to satisfy references in the form property bag specification. By default the gmBasic VB6 property bag processor assumes that the names included with BeginProperty statements and on the left-hand-side of name=value are the names of properties of the containing control class. In the absence of any additional specification, when the processor encounters a name that it cannot identifier it triggers an "UndefinedProperty"condition. The Select UndefinedProperties attribute is used to control the treatment of this condition. Consider, for example, a simple code using the unmigrated mscomctl.ocx set of controls with undefinedproperties="warn".
WARNING#5403: Filename <\ImageList\vb6\Form1.frm> Property <NumButtons> not recognized Record: NumButtons= 5 WARNING#5403: Filename <\ImageList\vb6\Form1.frm> Property <Images> not recognized Record: BeginProperty Images {2C247F25-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}
<Extend id="IImageList" > <Property id="Images" type="ListImages" /> </Extend> <Extend id="IToolbar" > <Property id="NumButtons" type="integer" /> </Extend>
Coclass Extend Substatement Summary
Coclass is a terminal substatement of the Extend statement. It can be used if and only if the Id attribute of the parent Extend identifies a coclass. The statement adds a second coclass to the host library with the same subclasses as the host coclass but with a different identifier. The attributes of the Coclass substatement are as follows:Attribute | Description |
Id | This attribute is the identifier of a new coclass to be added to the parent library that will match the host coclass. |
As an example, instances of the Button coclass of the MSCOMCTL.OCX can be migrated to either to .NET ToolStripButton or ToolStripSeparator. The actual choice depends upon the properties of the instance, but the first step is to create a second coclass Separator that can be used to anchor the new references. Assuming that the original declaration of Button was
<coclass id="Button" creatable="off" role="control" > <subclass id="IButton"/> </coclass>
<Extend id="Button" > <Coclass id="Separator" /> </Extend>
<coclass id="Separator" creatable="off" role="control" > <subclass id="IButton"/> </coclass>
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