Replace Statement Summary
Replace is a nonterminal, refactoring statement that occurs only with a
Refactor statement.
It is used to replace components in an external library class or to replace language surface patterns
in a language file.
The attributes of the
Replace statement are as follows:
Attribute | Description
Id | This required attribute either contains the entry Patterns or it contains the
identifier of an external library class. If the containing Refactor statement had
a HostId specified then this identifier should be specified relative to it;
else, it should be specified relative to the root of the symbol table.
The script errors associated with the
Replace statement are as follows:
Error | Description
1099 | Replace identifier [%1d] is not defined.
1100 | Replace identifier [%1d] is not a class.
If patterns are being read, then the substatements of the
Replace are the same as those of the
statement and are processed in the same manner except that existing patterns are replaced rather than new
patterns being defined. See the
Patterns page for details.
If a library class is identified, then the substatements of the
Replace are the same as those of the
Class statement and are processed in the same manner except that existing declarations are replaced
rather than new declarations being defined. See the
Class page for details.