Support Statement: Generating a Global Stub Framework
VB6/ASP/COM systems typically depend on one or more COM APIs that provide platform services such as database access, file system access, XML handling, UI controls, etc. When upgrading an application to a new platform, the way the application requests and consumes platform services must change. This is a very important consideration for VB6/ASP/COM to .NET upgrade work since each COM API requires an effective upgrade strategy.
In the early stages of an upgrade project, the upgrade strategies for COM APIs may not yet be certain. To prevent this uncertainty from blocking initial upgrade work, gmStudio helps teams generate a .NET stub framework to satisfy COM dependencies. This stub framework may be used for the initial builds of the .NET code.
The <Select BuildFile="option" /> command controls how the COM framework is generated and linked to upgraded application projects.
- When BuildFile=local, the COM dependencies are satisfied by COM stub files. These files are specific to each application project and are deployed with and referenced directly by each project.
- When BuildFile=global, the COM dependencies are satisfied by separate COM stub assemblies. A stub assembly is generated for each COM API and contains the API needed to satisfy the combined dependencies of a set of .NET application projects. Using BuildFile=global is a requirement for upgrading multiple inter-related projects that share COM dependencies. These dependencies must be satisfied by a consolidated set of assemblies rather than by separate files embedded in the individual .NET projects.
- Finally, when BuildFile=off, the COM dependencies are satisfied by separate assemblies as defined by the user, possibly interop assemblies, or other pre-existing assemblies, such as third-party .NET APIs. A typical upgrade project proceeds from BuildFile=local, to BuildFile=global, to BuildFile=off as COM replacement strategies are resolved and implemented.
This script is used with BuildFile=global. It tells gmBasic to, first, analyse COM dependencies across a set of upgraded projects and, second,to generate the code for the COM stub assembly projects that will satisfy those dependencies. The generated file will also contain the .NET build commands needed to compile the stub assembly projects.
A key change is needed to produce translations that use the stub framework:
<Select BuildFile="Global" />
<Select Library="%DeployFolder%" />
These changes are needed in both the GlobalStubs script (below) and your VBP translation scripts.
See also the Incremental Upgrade Cookbook.
<gmBasic> <Storage Action="Create" Identifier="%JobId%" /> <Select Progress="1" /> <Select DevEnv="%DevEnv%" /> <Select Dialect="%Dialect%" /> <Select DeployLocation="%NetProjFolder%" /> <Select Library="%DeployFolder%" /> <select Target="%UserFolder%" /> <Select Local="%IdfFromCodeFolder%" /> <Select System="%IdfFromIdlFolder%" /> <Select OptionalArguments="on"/> <!-- COM RULES Specify COM migration rules to assist with resolving and consolidating COM type libraries if necessary. --> <!-- External COM Specify a list of <reference> statements here. gmBasic inspects the source code to find references to the members of COM APIs listed below. The referenced members will be authored as members of classes in the stub assemblies. The set of COM based on the references found in your selected upgrade tasks is found below: --> <Reference id="gmRTL.Core.dll" /> <Reference id="gmRTL.GUI.dll" /> %RefList% <Output Status="New" FileName="%JobId%.bnd" /> <GlobalStubs> <!-- The following commands load the information files generated by gmBasic when it reads and interprets your application code. These files describe the source application including its COM dependencies. This dependency information is used to generate stub assemblies based on actual usage of the COM APIs. --> %VbiList% </GlobalStubs> <Output Status="Close" /> <!-- Add fixes here if desired <Fix FileFilter="%JobId%.bnd"> <Replace status="active" name="PostEdit"> <OldBlock><![CDATA[old]]></OldBlock> <NewBlock><![CDATA[new]]></NewBlock> </Replace> </Fix> --> <Storage Action="Close" /> </gmBasic>