Support Statement: How does gmStudio run builds?

Support Statement: How does gmStudio run builds?

The command line used by gmStudio for builds is set in the gmStudio.cfg file:

NETMakeCmd = "cmd.exe /C pushd '%LogFolder%' && call '%SetEnvCmd%' %DevEnv% %PreCmd% '%MsBuildExe%' '%NetProjPath%' /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Debug /p:WarningLevel=1 /p:Platform=AnyCPU > '%MakeLogPath%' 2>&1 %PostCmd% popd"

cmd.exe /C

1. pushd '%LogFolder%' &&
2. call '%SetEnvCmd%' %DevEnv%
3. %PreCmd%
4. '%MsBuildExe%' '%NetProjPath%' /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Debug 5. /p:WarningLevel=1 /p:Platform=AnyCPU > '%MakeLogPath%' 2>&1
5. %PostCmd%
6. popd"

This does several operations:

  1. setting the working folder
  2. setting the .NET build environment
  3. running the pre-make batch processing
  4. running msbuild
  5. running any post-make batch processing
  6. restoring the working folder

The resulting log is viewable in gmStudio.

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