Support Statement: Unable to open language file <..\usr\VB7lang.vbi>
Q: I am getting the following error when trying to translate the latest VB6 code:
Basic Processor V31.08(04/15/20) System Build(04/15/20 12:22:47)
BuildId of ..\usr\VB7lang.vbi is <Great Migrations, Version 31.04>. Current BuildId is <Great Migrations, Version 31.08>
ERR#0005: Unable to open language file <..\usr\VB7lang.vbi>
Translation Time (sec) = 1.04
I upgraded to the latest version of GM studio right before I tried running this translation. Any idea what the issue might be?
A: The log says exactly what the problem is.
BuildId of ..\usr\VB7lang.vbi is <Great Migrations, Version 31.04>. Current BuildId is <Great Migrations, Version 31.08>
ERR#0005: Unable to open language file <..\usr\VB7lang.vbi>
This is a common issue when using a new gmStudio, until you know what to look for, or how to avoid it in the first place.
The Upgrade uses a slightly modified language configuration. This is stored in <..\usr\VB7lang.vbi> and we require it to be in sync with gmStudio for stability reasons.
The task to rebuild vb7lang.vbi is a step in the full batch on the CI, but it is a separate from translation since you do not need to do it every time. But you still need to do it whenever the VBI needs updated.
To rebuild/update vb7lang.vbi , choose [Tools\Update Project Metalang File]. You can also do it from Settings form by clicking the [Update Project Metalang File] button.
Why we have this: several language migrations were customized for the upgrade. Look at the file mig.vb7lang.xml for additional details.