Application Configuration File

Application Configuration File

The gmStudio Application Config file contains the user-preferences and environment settings that control the general behavior of the application user interface, workspace management, high-level processing and reporting.

The default file is named gmStudio.cfg and it is located in the root folder of the gmStudio installation directory. gmStudio will make a user-specific copy in the user's Application Data folder when they first start using gmStudio.  Once a copy of the file is in the user's Application Data folder, that copy is used.    You can edit the config file from within gmStudio from the [Configuration Files] Panel of the gmStudio Configuration form. Click [Settings] on the Toolbar to display the gmStudio Configuration form.

User Defaults

Most fields in gmStudio.cfg should not be altered directly. The few fields that are most likely to require changing by users can be edited on the [User Defaults] panel of the gmStudio Configuration form. See the gmStudio Configuration Form section for additional details.

The gmStudio.cfg file contains numerous comments that describe each setting and possible values. Please refer to the file for details. The top of the file is shown below.

' gmStudio Configuration
' NOTE: All Config data is of the form key = "val" Keys must begin in column 1;
'       There must be a space before the equal sign.  Values must be in
'       double-quotes and therefore cannot contain embedded double quotes
'       embedded single quotes are converted to double quotes
'       Boolean Flags can be assigned "True" or "False";
' The keys are organized into functional groups
'  1. Default Files and Folders
'  2. user Settings
'  3. Translator Configuration
'  4. Reporting
'  5. Deployments
'  6. .NET Builds
'  7. Importing, Describing, type libraries
'  8. Creating Resx files
'  9. Vb6 Builds
. . .