Installing the gmStudio Extension for Visual Studio (beta)

Installing the gmStudio Extension for Visual Studio (beta)

gmStudio can run as a Visual Studio 2013 extension.  

You may install this plugin by clicking on INSTALLDIR\gmStudioPlugin.vsix.  This will open an installation dialog 


Due to how the licensing system works, you must run VS2013 as administrator the first time you attempt to open the gmStudio Extension.

After the first time, Run as administrator is not needed.

You may load the plugin by clicking View\Other Windows\gmStuidioToolWindow.  

This will open gmStudio in plugin mode.   You may dock the gmStudio tool window as desired.  

The plugin mode is very much like desktop mode with a couple minor exceptions:


    • the main menu is removed, but almost all features are accessible from the toolbar

    • files are opened for editing a VS editor window rather than an external text editor

You may uninstall the plugin using the Visual Studio Extension Manager.