Main Form


The gmStudio Main Form provides access to all common application functions. The screen has six major components:

  • Title Bar, which displays the currently active migration project file. 
  • Main Menu, which contains items that invoke various functions and display other forms and workspace folders. 
  • Toolbar, which contains buttons to invoke various functions and display other forms. 
  • Migration Project Panel, which fills the top of the screen. It displays a list of the tasks in the migration project. An extensive Task Context Menu allows you to perform operations on selected tasks. This list can be filtered to show only a subset of tasks. 
  • Migration Task Details Panel, which allows access to an extensive array of information associated with each migration task. It also contains a session log viewer and a powerful code search reporting tool. 
  • Status Bar, which displays the latest message from gmStudio and various counts (selected tasks, filtered tasks and all tasks). 
  • The Filter Tasks Form and the Batch Control Form are also discussed here.

Resizing the Top Panel

The relative heights of the Migration Project Panel and the Task Details Panel can be set by clicking the form between the panels and dragging up or down.

An image of the Main Form is shown below.

 The Main Menu

The gmStudio Main Menu is discussed below. 

File Menu

The File Menu is used for managing migration project files:

New... Use New Project Wizard...

Runs the gmStudio Upgrade Wizard for automatically creating and running a new upgrade project from a source code folder – in turnkey, push-button fashion.

New... Use Project Setup Form...Displays the Migration Setup form so you can create a new migration project file. 
New... Create a Specification Code...Displays the Specification Code Setup form so you can shell VB6 code and corresponding project and experiment with a specific upgrade issue 
New ... Add Tasks to Current Project...Displays the Migration Setup form for editing migration project settings and for adding or removing tasks from the current migration project. Same as clicking [Add Tasks] on the Toolbar. 
Open...Displays an open file dialog to select a migration project file and loads the file if one is selected. Same as clicking [Open] on the Toolbar.  Note: Holding the Ctrl-Key while clicking Open will allow you to open a gmProj in a new gmStudio instance.
SaveSaves the current migration project file. Same as clicking [Save] on the Toolbar. 
Save AsSaves the current migration project to a different file. Note this also changes the Migration name within the project file. 
Edit Task ListSaves the task data of the current migration project to a tab-delimited file ([MigName].tab) and loads the file into the application you have associated with .tab files (e.g., a spreadsheet application). If no application is associated with .tab files, you will get an error. Same as clicking [Edit] on the Toolbar. 
Load Task ListLoads the task data from the tab-delimited ([MigName].tab) file and replaces the tasks in the current migration project with the data from the file. 
Recent FilesAllows you to open one of  the recently used migration projects 
ExitSaves the current migration project and exits gmStudio. Saving the migration project is automatic and silent by default. If you wish to be prompted to save (or not save) the file, set AutoSave = "False" in the application config file. See the Configuration Form page. 

View Menu

Most of the View Menu items open the various working folders for the current migration project. Several other items open various application and system Configuration File folders in an instance of Windows Explorer.  Note: Holding the Ctrl-Key while clicking a View menu Item will open a Windows Console prompt in the selected folder.

Source RootOpens the current source code folder
WorkspaceOpens the current workspace root folder. 
Runtime AssembliesOpens the Runtime Assembly folder, where pre-generated runtime  assemblies are stored (Interop or other .NET assemblies). 
Interface DescriptionsOpens the Interface Description folder, where pre-generated Interface Description Files (IDFs) are stored (and used during the translation process, as needed). 
ReportsOpens the Reports folder, where all report files are stored. 
LogsOpens the log folder, where logs of the translation process are stored. This is also the working folder where the generated .NET code bundles are stored for subsequent deployment. 
User FilesOpens the User Files folder, where migration project-specific templates and other supporting files are typically stored. 
Deployment RootOpens the Deployment Root folder, where the folders for each generated .NET project are stored. 
Interop WorkspaceOpens the Interop Workspace folder, where any pre-generated Interop assemblies are located
Compare Snapshot FolderOpens the Deployment Folder of the current upgrade, for side-by-side comparison with the snapshot of a previously-saved upgrade.

Tools Menu

Most of the Tools Menu items perform various migration preparation operations:

  • The Scope of these operations covers all selected tasks in the Migration Project Panel.  
  • The Order in which these operations are processed is the order in which they are stored in the migration project file -- usually the Build Order.

The View Menu items are as follows:

Validate SourceComputes the total line count and checks the status of external references for each task. The total line count is stored in the SrcSize field. The status of external references is stored in the RefStat field and is discussed in the Preparation section 
Set Build OrderAttempts to compute, apply, and save the Build Order among the selected tasks 
Build VB6For VB6 migration units, this item attempts to build the VBP with the VB6 compiler then checks the results and updates the SrcBlds field accordingly 
Author Interface DescriptionsAuthors the Interface Description files for the selected tasks then updates RefStat accordingly 
Author Interop AssembliesAuthors the Interop Assembly files for the selected tasks then updates RefStat accordingly 
Create BuildSetCreates a BuildSet for the selected tasks. See the Translation Section for a description of a BuildSet 
Author Resx FilesAuthors Resx Files for the selected tasks 

The following View Menu items execute special purpose operations:

Author Interface Description(s)Displays an open file dialog for selecting ad hoc inputs to the IDF generation process. 
Batch ControlDisplays the batch control form that allows you to select specific operations for processing when you click the [Upgrade] button on the Toolbar. 

Reports Menu

Each Reports Menu item runs a specific type of report for all selected tasks and then opens the resulting report file for viewing:

Code ScanSelect and run Code Scan reports. 
ProjectSelect and run Project reports. 
AnalyticsSelect and run Analytics reports. 
UtilitiesSelect and run Utility reports. 

See the /wiki/spaces/BIZDEV/pages/1322565 for details about the various gmStudio reports. 

Help Menu

The Help Menu items access system documentation and diagnostics:

DocumentationOpen the gmStudio documentation. 
AboutDisplay the application version and license information in the Task Details box. 
Check EnvironmentDisplay a report showing the locations and status of the various files and folders currently directing system behavior in the Task Details box. 
RegisterDisplay the Registration Form where you can prepare a license request and install a license file. 


The gmStudio Toolbar offers one-click access to the most common application functions. Most of the buttons are enabled only when you have a migration project loaded and a migration task selected.

The Toolbar buttons are:

NewDisplays the Migration Setup form where you can create a new migration project. 
OpenDisplays an open file dialog to select an existing migration project file (*.gmProj). 
Add TasksDisplays the Migration Setup form so you can add tasks to the current migration project. 
SaveSaves the current migration project file. 
EditSaves the task data from the current migration project to a tab-delimited file (i.e., [MigName].tab) and loads the file into the application you have associated with .TAB files (e.g., a spreadsheet application). If no application is associated with .TAB files you will get an error. 
FilterDisplays the [Task Filter] dialog where you can specify criteria to display a subset of tasks in the Migration Project Panel. This can also be done by pressing (CTRL-F). 
UpgradeDisplays the [Batch Control] dialog from which to optionally select and run a batch of upgrade operations. This can also be done by pressing (ALT-X). 
CompareIf two different migration tasks are selected, this loads their translation bundles in the user-specified file comparison tool.If one task is selected, this loads the last translation bundle and the last snapshot in the user specified translation tool. This is useful for comparing the effects of different translation configurations on resulting code translationsThis can also be done by pressing (ALT-C). 
VB6/ASPLoads the source migration unit (Vbp or Web file) in the associated IDE (usually VB6). 
.NETLoads the generated .NET project in the associated IDE (usually Visual Studio). 
SettingsDisplays the [Configuration] dialog so you can edit application and system settings. 

Batch Control Form

The Batch Control Form is used to setup and initiate the execution of a series of migration processing steps.


Default sequences of steps are setup for you and saved with the project file when you create a new migration project. If you change the selected set of steps and start the batch, that new sequence of steps is saved to the project file.

The batch control form also presents two check boxes:

  • The first check box controls if the batch control box will display each time you click [Upgrade] on the Toolbar. This allows you to confirm the batch process before starting it. If you turn this option off, you can open the Batch Control dialog from the tools menu. 
  • The second check box controls if the session log should be displayed during processing so you can monitor progress.

Optimizing Batch Processing

 Some of the batch steps are only required during initial Preparation or when your source codebase dependencies change. These preparation steps include:
  • Apply Task Filter  
  • Setting Build Order  (required if you have inter-related VBPs)
  • Authoring Interface Descriptions  (this is a critical step)
  • Authoring Interop Assemblies (optional)
  • Authoring Resx Files (required if your system depends on FRX files)
If the external dependencies of your codebase are fairly static, you can optimize your batch processing by un-checking the preparation steps and doing only the three core operations:
  • Run Translation 
  • Deploy Translation 
  • Build Translation
gmStudio will ask if you would like to perform this optimization if it detects that the critical preparation steps have been completed successfully.

The Presets dropdown allows you to select from a number of default presets or indicate you are using your own custom set.

Detailed descriptions of the Batch processing steps are presented in the Preparation, Translation, Deployment, and Verification sections of this guide. 

Task Filter Form

The Task Filter Form is used to specify which tasks should be displayed in the Migration Project Panel. This is helpful when you wish to work with a subset of the migration units.

The filter criteria is specified as pattern strings for each field in the task record structure. The patterns are not case sensitive and support '*' as a wild card; for example:

*field can be any value
abc*field begins with 'abc'
*abc*field contains 'abc'
*abcfield ends with 'abc'
abcfield equals 'abc'
pattern1+pattern2field matches pattern1 or patten2

Your filter settings are saved in the project file so they can be reapplied automatically when you open the migration project.

Pressing CTRL-F will display the Filter dialog. Checking Ignore will temporarily turns off Task Filtering.

Several other hot keys are also supported to simplify filtering based on the selected task:

Ctrl-Shift-I filter on SrcName and TaskTag
Ctrl-Shift-N filter on SrcName
Ctrl-Shift-T filter on TaskTag

Project Task List

The Project Task List displays the list of migration tasks for the current migration project.

The fields displayed in the list are defined in the Reference Section (see the Migration Project Files topic).

The following operations can be performed with the Project Task List:

  • Right-Clicking on the list displays the Task Context menu 
  • Clicking items selects and activates them for subsequent processing or reporting.
    This also updates the content of the task details pane with data for the selected task. The selected count is displayed in the Status Bar. 
  • Clicking a column header sorts the list (toggling sort direction).
  • Pressing Ctrl+J copies the names of selected tasks to the ClipBoard.  
  • Pressing Ctrl+Shift+J copies the details of selected tasks to the ClipBoard.  
  • Pressing Ctrl+Shift+N filters the task list based on the Source Name of the selected task
  • Pressing Ctrl+Shift+T filters the task list based on the Task Tag of the selected task
  • Pressing Ctrl+Shift+I filters the task list based on the Source Name and Task Tag of the selected task

Task Context Menu

The Task Context Menu items perform operations on the selected tasks. Some of these operations work on all selected tasks, others work on the first selected task only:

Select AllSelects all non-filtered tasks. This can also be done by pressing (CTRL-A). 
Filter SelectedAllows Filtering the Task list based on the attributes of the selected Task.
Edit Upgrade ScriptLoads the Translation Script for the selected task in the user-specified text editor. This can also be done double clicking the task.
Edit Batch ScriptLoads the Batch Command Script for the selected task in the user-specified text editor. 
Edit Task AttributesDisplays the Task Edit Dialog
Open Source FolderOpens the folder containing the VBP (or ASP) source associated with the selected task. 
Open .NET Project FolderOpens the folder containing the generated .NET project associated with the selected task. 
Reset Task StatusResets key tracking fields associated with all selected tasks (RefStat, TrnStat, NetBlds, NetSize, LastMsg). 
Snapshot a Baselineaves a snapshot file of the last translation bundle for all selected tasks. The snapshots are saved in the [workspace]\log\sav folder. Snapshots are useful for inspecting the effects of source and configuration changes. See the section on Translation for how snapshots are used. This can also be done by pressing (ALT-B) 
Run TranslationTranslates all selected tasks. This can also be done by pressing (ALT-T). 
Deploy TranslationDeploys the generated code bundles of all selected tasks. 
Build TranslationBuilds the .NET projects for all selected tasks. 
Run Functional TestRuns the Task's Batch Command Script TEST block
View Bundle FileLoads the generated code bundle file for the first selected task into the user-specified text editor. See the Deployment section for a full discussion of code bundle files. 
Open TranslationLoads the generated project file for the first selected task in the associated IDE (e.g., VS2008). Selecting this menu item is the same as clicking [New IDE] on the Toolbar. 
Re-bundle TranslationGenerates a bundle file using the code in the .NET project folder and loads it into the user- specified comparison tool for comparison with the last code generated by the translator . This is used to help identify hand changes that should be integrated into the translation configuration and automated in subsequent translation runs. 
Compare TranslationsIf two different migration tasks are selected, this loads their translation bundles in the user-specified comparison tool. If one task is selected, this loads the last translation bundle and the corresponding snapshot in the user specified comparison tool. This is useful for comparing translations of different source codes and different translation configurations. Selecting this menu item is the same as clicking [Compare] on the Toolbar. 
Side-By-Side Viewer...Opens the Side-By-Side Viewer form that facilitates comparison of the source and target codes for the selected task. 
Toggle Fields LayoutChanges the set of fields displayed in the Migration Project Panel as specified by the FieldLayoutDefault and FieldLayoutAlt values in the application config file. 
Remove Selected Task(s)...Permanently removes the selected tasks from the migration project file. 

Clicking the [Filter] button on the Toolbar displays the Task Filter dialog so you can filter the list to a specific subset of tasks. The filtered task count is displayed in the status bar.

Clicking [Report/Project/Migration Set] on the menu produces a tab-delimited file based on the content of the task list.

The relative height of the Migration Project Panel and the Task Details Panel can be set by clicking the form between the panels and dragging up or down as desired.

Project Details Panels

The Project Details Panels is a set of four tab pages or panels at the bottom of the Main Form. In general, these panels present information associated with the migration task or tasks that are selected in the Migration Project panel. 

  1. Information Panel
  2. Task References Panel
  3. Source Metrics Panel
  4. Session Log Panel
  5. Search Panel
  6. Reports Panel

Information Panel

The Information Panel provides access to seven different views of information:

  • Task Details View is a one-up listing of the key fields that define the nature and status of the selected migration task. Below the field list you will find content of the file associated migration unit -- VBP or web file depending on the type of the migration project.

  • Selecting a set of tasks and clicking [Reports/Projects/Migration Set] will produce a tab-delimited report of task detail data.

  • VB6 Build Log View is summary information about the last attempted build of the VBP file associated with the migration task. An example of this content is shown below:
    ----- LOG: C:\GMS\samples\workspace\DemoScanTool\log\Interop2_csh-ScanToolLib-iop2-csh.VB6Bld.log -----
    Build of 'ScanToolLib.dll' succeeded.
    ----- OUT:C:\GMS\samples\source\ScanTool\ScanToolLib_VB6\build\ScanToolLib.dll -----
    Created:  06/05/2009 3:36:40 PM
    Modified: 09/09/2009 3:57:44 PM
    Size:     94208
  • Translation Log View is the log produced by the translation process. The following operations can be performed in the translation log view:

    • Clicking the [Grid] checkbox will present the errors, warnings, and certain messages from the log in tabular form.
    • Double-Clicking a row in the grid will open the associated record of the Translation Script (if applicable).
    • Clicking the [Edit] button will open the log in the user-specified text editor.
    • Right-Clicking a grid row will display the grid context menu that can be used to copy data for the selected row(s) to the clipboard.

    Selecting a set of tasks and clicking [Reports/Projects/Translation Log] will produce a tab-delimited report of translation log data.

  • Deploy Log view is information about the deployment process and the generated code bundle. The following operations can be performed on the deployment log view:

    • Clicking the [Grid] checkbox will present the contents of the code bundle in tabular form.
    • Double-Clicking a row in the grid will open the associated record in the code bundle file.
    • Clicking the [Edit] button will open the log or the bundle file in the user-specified text editor, depending on which one is presently displayed.
    • Right-Clicking a grid row will display the grid context menu that can be used to copy data for the selected row(s) to the clipboard.

    Selecting a set of tasks and clicking [Reports/Projects/Code Bundles] will produce a tab-delimited report of code bundle data.

  • .NET Build Log is the log produced by the .NET build process. The following operations can be performed in the .NET Build log view:

    • Clicking the [Grid] checkbox will present the errors and warnings from the log in tabular form.
    • Double-Clicking a row in the grid will open the associated record of .NET code (if applicable).
    • Clicking the [Edit] button will open the log in the user-specified text editor.
    • Right-Clicking a grid row will display the grid context menu that can be used to copy data for the selected row(s) to the clipboard.

    Selecting a set of tasks and clicking [Reports/Projects/.NET Build Log] will produce a tab-delimited report of .NET build log data.

    If you configure gmStudio to produce .NET projects contain instructions for doing code analysis, your .NET build log will contain code review results.

  • Project Summary View is a brief report of summarizing totals and frequency counts for key field values of all tasks in the migration project. And example report is shown here.
    MigName: Interop2_csh (as of 09/09/2009 5:32:10 PM)
    Project: C:\gms\samples\workspace\_migrations\Interop2_csh.gmproj
    TaskTag: iop2=2;
    NetLang: csh=2;
    SrcBlds: SUCCESS=2;
    SrcSize: SUM=2245 LOC
    TScript: tran.scantool_iop.xml=2;
    RefStat: READY=2;
    TrnStat: SUCCESS=2;
    NetSize: SUM=3885 LOC
    NetBlds: SUCCESS=2;
    BldType: OleDll=1; Exe=1;

Selecting a set of tasks and clicking [Reports/Projects/Metrics Summary] will produce an HTML report of project summary data

Task References Panel

The Task References Panel displays the external files referenced by the selected migration task. The list of external references is on the left and details about each reference is on the right.

If the migration task is for a VBP, the list contains COM components. Note that both explicit and implicit (i.e., imported library) COM references are shown.

If the migration task is for a web file, the list contains COM components and include files. Note that both explicit and implicit (i.e. nested includes of includes) are shown.

The following operations can be performed on the task references:

  • Right-Clicking the list will display the reference context menu discussed below. 
  • Clicking a list item will select that item and cause its details to be displayed in the right-side pane. The details include a one-up report of the reference information and logs relating to creating the interface description file and Interop assembly for the reference.

    Selecting a set of tasks and clicking [Reports/Code Scans/Source References] will produce a tab-delimited report of source reference data.

The References Context Menu items perform operations on the configuration information relating to each external reference of the first selected task:

Edit SourceLoads the source file for a given an external references into the user-specified text editor. For COM references this is an IDL file generated by gmStudio; for includes, this is the included file. 
Edit Interface DescriptionLoads the Interface Description file associated with an external COM reference into the user- specified text editor. 
Edit Refactor LibraryLoads the Refactor Library file associated with an external COM reference into the user- specified text editor. 
Rebuild Interop FileRebuild the Interop Assembly file associated with an external COM reference 
Rebuild Interface DescriptionRebuild the Interface Description file associated with an external COM reference 
Copy Record(s) to ClipboardCopy detailed information for selected reference record(s) to clipboard 
Select Source TaskIf a referenced component has a source migration unit associated with it, this will select that unit in the migration task list.

Source Metrics Panel

The Source Metrics Panel displays crude metrics for the selected migration task. The following operations can be preformed on the source metrics panel:

  • Double-Clicking a row in the grid will open the associated source file
  • in the user-defined text editor
  • Right-Clicking a grid row will display the grid context menu

Selecting a set of tasks and clicking [Reports/Code Scans/Source Structure] will produce a tab-delimited report of source metrics data.

Session Log Panel

The Session Log Panel displays a running activity log of your current session. The following operations can be preformed on the session log view:

  • Clicking the [Grid] checkbox will present the log in tabular form.  
  • Clicking [Clear] button will clear the free-form text view.  
  • Right-Clicking a grid row will display the grid context menu that can be used to copy data for the selected row(s)

The session log is saved as a tab-delimited file workspace\log\ Beware that opening this file in a spreadsheet program during a session may lock it and prevent logging.

Search Panel

The Search Panel is a useful tool for assessing your source codebase and inspecting translations. You can also use it to quickly find content in your migration project's configruation and the system translation configuration.

Setting the Scope of the Search

In most cases the scope of the searching process is limited to the tasks selected in the migration task panel if applicable.

On the top of the panel is a the search option box it allows you to control the scope of the search:

Source Files

    • Source Code indicates that the source code associated with the selected migration tasks will be searched.  
    • Comments indicates that the VB6 comments should be included with the source search. VB6 comments are exluded by default. Logic to skip/include HTML comments is not yet implemented.  
    • #includes indicates that the ASP page search should also search the #include files associated with the page.  


    • User indicates that user configuration files will be searched. These are the files in the [worspace]\usr folder.  
    • Lang indicates that system configuration files will be searched. Please contact Great Migrations if you plan to change these files.  
    • COM Refs  indicates that the interface description files referenced by the selected tasks will be searched.  
    • IDFs indicates that all interface description files will be searched.  

Output Files

    • Target Code indicates that the generated code bundles associated with the selected migration tasks will be searched.  
    • Logs indicates that *.log files in the log folder will be searched
    • Reports indicates that a gmStudio report file should be generated and searched


Allows you to restrict the search process to a files matching a specific pattern.  For example entering *.vbp will only search VBP files.  

The Custom box also allows you to specify a folder as well as a file pattern. Using the form folder|filespec. For example

The folder|filespec format also allows searching multiple filespec patterns by separating them with ';' for example *c:\gmtestBed|*.frm;*.bas;*.cls*


    • No Duplicates indicates that each file in scope for the search process should will only be searched once.
    • Replace adds a sample Replace specification block to the search for box and allows you run a series of regex replacements selected files.  This can be helpful for making mass modifications to your upgrade solution files.  

Setting the patterns to search for

On the bottom left is the search pattern box.  A default set of search terms is in the file[INSTALLDIR]\support\settings\CodeScanList.txt.  This will be copied to your workspace\usr folder if one is not present in your workspace.  The default file contains the usage instructions shown below. The file in your workspace\usr folder may be used to store past search terms.

The search pattern box in general contains regex expressions, but the first character has special significance.

'' gmStudio Search Instructions
'' This file contains the list of 
'' patterns to search for; it is used 
'' for the search panel and for 
'' the scan reports.
'' The Search looks for content using 
'' .NET regular expressions. Each 
'' expression to search for is placed 
'' on a record in this file. The 
'' following record forms have special 
'' meaning:
'' ''comment -- ignore
'' blank -- stop processing
'' @pattern -- @ case-sensitive
'' ~pattern -- report files that 
'' do not contain pattern
'' #pattern -- report count of 
'' matches in each file
'' The ~ and # features are not available
'' with IDF and Reference search.

You may search for multiple terms at once by putting each one on a separate line.

Search Results

On the left, under the search option box is the [Start] Button. Clicking [Start] saves the search pattern list to CodeScanList.txt file and then starts the search process. Matching records are written to the Search Results list.

Next to the [Search] button is the [Save] Button. Clicking [Save] will display a Save File dialog so that you can save selected records from the Search Results List to a tab delimited file. By default the file will be saved in the reports folder and named [MigName]-Search-[name].tab where [MigName] is the migration project name and [name] is the string you type into the Save File dialog.

On the right hand side is the Search Results list:

  • Double-Clicking a row in the grid will open the associated source file in the user-defined text editor at the location of the match.  
  • Right-Clicking a grid row will display the grid context menu that can be used to copy data for the selected row(s) to the clipboard.

Many of the search results can be also generated using the Reports menu or the Reports Panel. For example.

  • Selecting a set of tasks and clicking [Reports/Code Scans/Source Code Scan] will produce a tab-delimited report of matches in the source code.
  • Selecting a set of tasks and clicking [Reports/Utilities/Target Code Scan] will produce a tab-delimited report of matches in the target code.

Search Template Reporting Instructions

Search results may be reported using parameterized reporting templates as specified in the template textbox. A reporting template is static text and value placeholders. Examples of value placeholders are shown below:

Column key place holder   : %ColumnKey% To see column placeholder names for a report check the Show Keys checkbox.
Column Index place holder : %(0)...%(16)
Regex Group place holders : %[0]...%[n] in LocText field
Regex Group place holders : %rec%[0]...%[n] anywhere in matching record

The reporting template starts at the top of this template box and ends with the record containing '.' in column 1, or the end of the template textbox.

If the pattern for the search had regex groups (i.e. enclosed in parentheses), then the parameters may correspond to the values from the groups (%[0] ... %[n])

To author a '%' in the pattern, precede it with caret '^'.

Pre-defined templates may be named and stored in this file as shown below.  These templates may be selected from the context menu of the template textbox.

Reports Panel

The Reports panel is used to run gmStudio reports in batch and browse the contents of the reports folder for your migration project.

On the left side of the reports panel is the Report Settings controls:

The report selection Listbox contains various migration reports grouped by report type. You can add a report to the batch for by checking its check box. Likewise, un-checking a report's checkbox removes it from the batch.

There are two report scope radio buttons.

  • Selecting [All Tasks] will run the reports for all tasks in the migration project -- even if they are filtered from the list on the project panel, and even if they are not selected on the project panel.
  • Selecting [Selected Tasks Only] will run the reports only for the tasks that are selected on the project panel -- like running a report from the Report menu on the Main Form.

Clicking [Edit Patterns For Scan Reports...] will load CodeScanList.txt into the user-defined text editor. This file contains a list of search patterns to search for when you run the [Source Code Scan] and/or [Target Code Scan] reports.

Clicking [Run Selected Reports] will start the reporting process. This button will toggle to [Cancel] while reports are running, clicking [Cancel] aborts the reporting process.

On the right side of the report form is the list of files in the reports folder. Double-Clicking a row in the list will open the selected report file in the associated editor.

Learn more about gmStudio reports in the Reporting section of the guide.

Status Bar

The status bar displays information about the state of the application.

The Status bar on the Main Form has two panels:

  • The Message panel displays information messages and error messages. Error
  • messages are displayed with a red back ground.

The Task Counts panel displays a string of the form:

tasks: selected=#  filtered=#   total=#

Status Bar Features

Quick Open a Log File

When the status message is of the form "* See *", for example:

Set Build Order Complete: See ... Interop2_csh-SrcOrder.txt

Double-clicking on the message panel will open the named file in the user-defined text editor.

Display Full Message

If the status bar message is not like "See *", double clicking the message will open the full text of the message in the session panel. This is useful if a message does not fit in the status panel.

Side-By-Side Comparison Form

The Side-By-Side Comparison Form is used to compare specific source codes to the corresponding target codes. It is displayed by clicking [Side-By-Side Viewer...] from the Task Context menu.

You can use the class and member filters to narrow the member list at the top of the screen then select a specific member for display in source form, on the left, and .NET form, on the right.

You can also search the content of the side-by-side view for records that contain a given string or regular expression.