Sandia National Laboratories Testimonial

Sandia National Laboratories Testimonial

George Backus, Dr. Engr., Sandia National Laboratories

Computation, Computers, Information and Mathematics Center
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800-0370
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0196
Bus: 505-284-5787

"I have worked with Promula and many other simulation languages/platforms for nearly two decades and have found Promula to be the only tool that can make my large-scale, large database simulations manageable, let alone doable. Promula is the application development tool of choice for all of my modeling and simulation work. All these efforts focus on critical planning and policy analyses for which the results must be accurate, defensible, and timely. Some Promula-based, analytical efforts include:

  • Edison, Southern Company Services, the State of Maine, British Columbia Gas, Central Maine Power, Western Resources, Wisconsin Power and Light, State of Illinois, State of Vermont, State of New Hampshire, New England Governors' Conference (all the New England states), Tucson Electric Power, and the State of Hawaii.
  • Energy planning for the Government of Canada, Province of Saskatchewan, State of Vermont, State of Massachusetts, the Baltic States Estonia, Latvia, and, Lithuania, as well as Poland and Bulgaria.
  • Environmental planning/legislation for the State of Minnesota, the Government of Canada and the European Union countries (via the European Commission).
  • Macroeconomic forecasting/planning for the OECD countries and Brazil.
  • Government-sponsored electric utility deregulation analysis in the UK, Canada and the US, as well as additional company sponsored proprietary analyses in the US.
  • Manufacturing and technology analysis for US auto-manufacturers and consumer-product companies.
  • Sophisticated sensitivity and confidence analysis tools for corporate and government sponsors."


"I spent the last year in Cambridge, UK developing macroeconomic, energy, and environmental models for the European Union countries. A world-wide search of suitable software for the project, found Promula to be over 100 times better in performance, capability, and manageability than the next nearest alternative. If I can use an evolutionary/paleontological analogy, Promula is easily 500 million years ahead of the primitive competition."