gmStudio ships with a default set of Search Reporting presets
PRESET Symbols-FixType <FixType identifier="%LocText%" type="Variant" /> . PRESET Symbols-Reauthor <Reauthor subprogram="%LocText%"><![CDATA[ // UPGRADE_INFO: hand-coded replacement ]]></Reauthor> . PRESET Symbols-Remove <Remove identifier="%LocText%" migStatus="stubout|delete|conditional" /> . PRESET Symbols-Rename <Rename identifier="%LocText%" content="%LocText%" /> . PRESET Symbols-Generic <Generic identifier="%LocText%" types="string,integer" /> . PRESET Symbols-OverGeneric <OverGeneric identifier="%LocText%" types="constraint text" /> . PRESET Symbols-Overload <Overload identifier="%LocText%" types="%LocText%" /> . PRESET SourceScan-Replace <Replace name="Replace in %MemClas%"> <OldBlock><![CDATA[%LocText%]]></OldBlock> <NewBlock><![CDATA[%LocText%]]></NewBlock> </Replace> . PRESET SourceStruct-ReplaceFile <Fix name="PostEdit_ReplaceFiles" host="%MemLibr%"> <ReplaceFile name="%MemClas%" lang="csh" source="%MemClas%.cs" target="..\usr\handcode\%MemClas%.cs" /> </Fix> . PRESET SourceScan-EditFile <Registry type="EditFile" Source="%LocFile%"> <Fix name="EditFile"> <Replace status="active" name="name"> <OldBlock><![CDATA[%Loctext%]]></OldBlock> <NewBlock><![CDATA[%Loctext%]]></NewBlock> </Replace> </Fix> </Registry> . PRESET Various-RefactorFile <Registry type="RefactorFile" Source="%LocFile%"> <Refactor> <FixType identifier="%MemClas%.%LocMemb%" type="Variant" status="ObjectOnly" /> </Refactor> </Registry> . PRESET Reference-Migrate <Migrate id="%LocName%" migName="newName" /> . PRESET References-Report %MemType%: %MemLibr%.%MemClas%.%MemName%
IDF Report
Migrate Commands Based on mig attributes
Search Pattern: report every IDF element that has a migElement in it.
Report Pattern: print information about location and migration attributes
<!-- "%locName%" --> <migrate id="%locName%" %locText% />
Still need to cleanup to make valid migrate statements. Also misses changes that do not include a mig attribute.
References report
All forms of calling a member of an API Search for \t(ClearRange\t.*SpreadADO)\t.*(\.ClearRange[^\t]*) Report statements with %Loctext% Report member with parameters with %rec%[2]
Build Log Report
h2. B00) %msgnumb%: %msgText% {code} File: %SrcFile% @ %Srcrecd% Sub : %SrcMemb% Code: %SrcText% {code}