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1) Prepare an ServiceMethod_EditSource Handler in a gmSL script:
int ServiceMethod_EditSource(int fileRoot)
tInfoFile fileInfo;
Handle textStream;
int rai;
int length;
string record;
int nRecord;
int curRecord;
int iPos;
fileInfo = Store.GetVector(fileRoot);
if(fileInfo.textBase == 0) return 0;
textStream = Text.Open(Store.GetHandle(),fileInfo.textBase);
nRecord = Text.Maximum(textStream);
curRecord = 0;
while(curRecord < nRecord)
curRecord = curRecord + 1;
record = Text.Access(textStream, length, rai, 0);
int curLen = sizeof(record);
System.LogMessage(curRecord + "] " + curLen + ": " + record);
if(length < 27) continue;
iPos = Character.FindFirst(record, 0, "If (Ctrl = vbChecked) Then");
if(iPos == 0) continue;
if(Select.Progress) System.LogMessage("Found 'If (Ctrl = vbChecked) Then' in <" + Store.GetIdent(fileRoot) + "> Record = " + curRecord);
iPos = Character.FindFirst(record, 0, "Ctrl");
record = Character.Insert(record, iPos+3, ".Value");
if(Select.Progress) System.LogMessage("Fixed : " + record);
Text.Position(textStream,curRecord - 1);
Text.Insert(textStream, record);
return 1;
Then hook the handler to a custom migration event prior to the compile:
<Refactor event="CSH">
<gmSL NameSpace="CSH" Class="ServiceMethods" Source="..\usr\PreEdits.gmsl" />
<Compile Project="%SrcPath%" >