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If your license allows it, gmStudio can be operated in a batch mode. You will typically do this using the sample batch files we provide. This section describes the gmStudio command line.
Table of Contents | ||
gmStudio Command Line Syntax
The form of the gmStudio command line is as shown below:
] "/CFG
'cfgpath'" "/MIG
'migpath'" "/TOOLS
'tool_list'" "/TASKS
'task_list'" "/REPORTS
'report_list'" [/IGNOREMRU]
/FILTER = "sourcelist" restricts processing to the source tasks listed. Multiple tasks indicated using '+'. Wildcard using '*'.
["/LOGSTART='startup log path'"] "[/FILTER='source filter']"
If AutoBatch=YES then the command list specified in the migration project file (.gmproj) will be performed. Otherwise, the set of task/tools specified on the command line will be performed.
/CFG sets the path to an application config file (gmstudio.cfg)
/MIG = "migpath" sets path to a migration project file (.gmproj)
/MIG = a migration project specification string for creating a new project having the following semicolon delimited list of project creation parameters:
Parameter | Description | Status/Default |
Name=name; | name is the name of new upgrade project | optional, default=NewUpgrade |
Source=source; | source is the name of the folder containing the source codes | required |
NetLang=lang; | lang is the target .NET language (csh|vbn) | optional, default=csh |
SendTo=sendto; | sendto is the name of the folder to store the project workspace | required |
SourceFilter=pattern; | pattern is *.vbp|*.asp|fully qualified path to a single file | optional=*.vbp |
VSVersion=VSnnnn; | VSnnnn is a VSversion name (e.g. VS2010, VS2010, VS2015) | optional, default=VS2013 |
OverWrite=yes|no; | 'yes' means to replace a pre-existing gmProj silently and 'no' indicates to promot the user | optional, default="no" |
See sample listing below.
/FILTER restricts processing to the source tasks listed. Multiple tasks indicated using '+'. Wildcard using '*'.
/TOOLS specifies a comma delimited list of the following tools (iterate over all migration units for each tool)
Apply Task Filter,
Author Interop Assemblies,
Author Interface Descriptions,
Set Build Order,
Author Resx
Project Metalang File
/TASKS specifies a comma-delimited
Validate Source,
Build VB6,
Snapshot a Baseline,
Reset Task Status,
Run Translation,
Deploy Translation,
Build Translation,
Run Functional Test
/REPORTS specifies a comma-delimited
reports (See Reports Article for more information)
Source Structure, Source References, Source Members, Source GUI Scan, Source Code Scan, Iceberg, Project Summary, Metrics Summary, Migration Set, Interface File Headers, Interface File ProgIds, Code Bundle
Metrics, .NET Build Logs, Translation Logs, All Logs, Semantic References, Semantic Definitions, Semantic Symbols, Semantic Audit,
Generate Visual Studio Solution,
Migration Project List,
Target Code Scan,
Note that tools are processed before tasks.
Sample Command Scripts
For examples of using gmStudio as a console application, contact Great Migrations.
- runall.cmd: is a driver script that initialized the environment then calls run1set.cmd for a collection of migration projects.
- run1set.cmd: specifies the tasks, tools, and reports to perform for each migration project.
- gather_reports.cmd: is used to consolidate reports from multiple project workspaces. It assumes all of the workspaces are under a common root folder.
/IGNOREMRU: do not reload most recently used project
/LOGSTART: specify that startup diagnostics should be logged to a file. If filepath is blank, the file will be written to C:\Users\<NAME>\AppData\Roaming\GreatMigrations\gmstartup.*.log
Sample Command Script
- RunGmStudio.cmd: allows running gmStudio for a specific project from the command line
- RunGmStudio.cmd: allows running gmStudio for a specific project from the command line
Sample script for using Command Line Project Execution
No Format |
:: this script may be used to run gmStudio in batch
@echo off
set GmStudioExe="C:\Program Files (x86)\GreatMigrations\gmStudio\gmStudio.exe"
:: mig is the gmStudio project to process
set mig=C:\gmTestBed\ScanTool\proj_csh\ScanTool_csh.gmproj
:: Filter may contain a string specifying one or more migration
:: tasks to include in processing. Multiple tasks can be joined
:: by '+', wildcard = '*'. This string should not be quoted.
:: if blank, all tasks in tasks list are processed.
set filter=%1
:: remove double quotes
set filter=%filter:~1,-1%
:: If AutoBatch=YES then the tasks/tools specified in the
:: migrationSet file (.gmproj) will be performed. Otherwise, the
:: set of task/tools specified below will be performed.
:: must be =NO for reports to run.
set autobatch="/AUTOBATCH='no'"
:: Select Migration Tasks (only used when AUTOBATCH=NO)
set tasks=
::set tasks=%tasks%Validate Source,
::set tasks=%tasks%Build VB6,
::set tasks=%tasks%Snapshot a Baseline,
::set tasks=%tasks%Reset Task Status,
set tasks=%tasks%Run Translation,
set tasks=%tasks%Deploy Translation,
::set tasks=%tasks%Build Translation
:: Select Migration Tools (only used when AUTOBATCH=NO)
set tools=
::set tools=%tools%Apply Task Filter,
::set tools=%tools%Author Interop Assemblies,
::set tools=%tools%Author Interface Descriptions,
::set tools=%tools%Run Assessment Wizard,
::set tools=%tools%Set Build Order,
::set tools=%tools%Author Resx Files,
:: Select Reports
set rprts=
:: Code Scans
::set rprts=%rprts%Source Structure,
::set rprts=%rprts%Source References,
::set rprts=%rprts%Source Members,
::set rprts=%rprts%Source GUI Scan,
::set rprts=%rprts%Source Code Scan,
::set rprts=%rprts%Iceberg,
:: Project Reports
set rprts=%rprts%Project Summary,
::set rprts=%rprts%Metrics Summary,
::set rprts=%rprts%Migration Set,
::set rprts=%rprts%Interface File Headers,
::set rprts=%rprts%Interface File ProgIds,
::set rprts=%rprts%Code Bundle Metrics,
::set rprts=%rprts%.NET Build Logs,
::set rprts=%rprts%Translation Logs,
::set rprts=%rprts%All Logs,
:: Semantic Model Reports
::set rprts=%rprts%Semantic Definitions,
::set rprts=%rprts%Semantic References,
::set rprts=%rprts%Semantic Audit,
:: Utility Reports
::set rprts=%rprts%Migration Project List,
::set rprts=%rprts%Target Code Scan,
::set rprts=%rprts%Generate Visual Studio Solution,
echo running %GmStudioExe%
set logstart=
set mig="/MIG='%mig%'"
set tasks="/TASKS='%tasks%'"
set tools="/TOOLS='%tools%'"
set rprts=/REPORTS='%rprts%'"
set cfg=
set filter="/FILTER='%filter%'"
%GmStudioExe% %autoBatch% %filter% %mig% %tasks% %tools% %rprts% %cfg% %logstart%
Sample script for creating a project from the command line
Code Block | ||
| ||
:: run the batch process and report results
@echo off
set GmStudioExe=%ProgramFiles%\GreatMigrations\gmStudio\gmStudio.exe
if not exist "%GmStudioExe%" set GmStudioExe=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\GreatMigrations\gmStudio\gmStudio.exe
if not exist "%GmStudioExe%" echo cannot find gmStudio.exe && goto end
:: set the root folder location of the test area here
Set TestBed=C:\gmTestBed
set wrk=%TestBed%
:: clear results of prior run
pushd "%TestBed%\batch"
if exist NewProj.log del NewProj.log
set lang=csh& set usestb=yes& call :autorunGroup
set lang=vbn& set usestb=yes& call :autorunGroup
:: here are all the scenarios: vbn/csh x stub/interop
set lang=csh& set usestb=nop& call :autoRunGroup
set lang=csh& set usestb=yes& call :autoRunGroup
set lang=vbn& set usestb=nop& call :autoRunGroup
set lang=vbn& set usestb=yes& call :autoRunGroup
:: the following two lines run a single test case
::call :autorun1 FileExplorer %lang% %usestb%
call :autorun1 ScanTool %lang% %usestb%
call :autorun1 FileExplorer %lang% %usestb%
call :autorun1 FMStocks %lang% %usestb%
call :autorun1 vb3Ddefine %lang% %usestb%
call :autorun1 Waves %lang% %usestb%
call :autorun1 StringEvaluator %lang% %usestb%
call :autorun1 Calculator %lang% %usestb%
set name=%1
if not exist "%wrk%\%name%\src" echo "%wrk%\%name%\src NOT FOUND" & goto skip
set locname=std
set stbname=iop
if [%useloc%]==[yes] set locname=loc
if [%usestb%]==[yes] set stbname=stb
set out=%name%_%lang%_%locname%_%stbname%
set logStart="/logstart='%cd%\%out%.Start.log'"
set mig="/MIG='Name=%name%;Source=%wrk%\%name%\src;SendTo=%wrk%\NewProj\%out%;netLang=%lang%;UseStubs=%usestb%;VSVersion=VS2013;OverWrite=yes'"
set autobatch="/AUTOBATCH=YES"
set rprts=
set rprts=%rprts%Project Summary,
set rprts=%rprts%All Logs,
set rprts="/REPORTS='%rprts%'"
echo AutoRun1 %out%
echo MAKE GMPROJ: %mig% %autobatch% %logstart%>>NewProj.log
:: create a new project and run standard batch operations
"%GmStudioExe%" %mig% %autobatch% %logstart%>nul
:: open teh new project and run reports
set mig="/MIG='%wrk%\NewProj\%out%\%name%.gmproj'"
set autobatch="/AUTOBATCH=NO"
echo RUN REPORT: %mig% %rprts% %autobatch%>>NewProj.log
"%GmStudioExe%" %mig% %rprts% %autobatch%>nul
powershell "Start-Sleep -s 1"
set rptfldr=%wrk%\NewProj\%out%\report
findstr /c:"SubSystem=" /c:"BuildFile=" "%rptfldr%\*-AllLog.txt" >> NewProj.log
findstr /c:"Translation Status" /c:"NET Build Status" "%rptfldr%\*-AllLog.txt" >> NewProj.log
Table of Contents |