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No Format
:: this script may be used to run gmStudio in batch
@echo off

set GmStudioExe="C:\Program Files (x86)\GreatMigrations\gmStudio\gmStudio.exe"

:: mig is the gmStudio project to process

set mig=C:\gmTestBed\ScanTool\proj_csh\ScanTool_csh.gmproj

:: Filter may contain a string specifying one or more migration
:: tasks to include in processing.  Multiple tasks can be joined
:: by '+', wildcard = '*'.  This string should not be quoted.
:: if blank, all tasks in tasks list are processed.
set filter=%1
:: remove double quotes
set filter=%filter:~1,-1%

:: If AutoBatch=YES then  the tasks/tools specified in the
:: migrationSet file (.gmproj) will be performed.  Otherwise, the 
:: set of task/tools specified below will be performed.
:: must be =NO for reports to run.

set autobatch="/AUTOBATCH='no'"

:: Select Migration Tasks (only used when AUTOBATCH=NO)
set tasks=
::set tasks=%tasks%Validate Source,
::set tasks=%tasks%Build VB6,
::set tasks=%tasks%Snapshot a Baseline,
::set tasks=%tasks%Reset Task Status,
set tasks=%tasks%Run Translation,
set tasks=%tasks%Deploy Translation,
::set tasks=%tasks%Build Translation

:: Select Migration Tools (only used when AUTOBATCH=NO)

set tools=
::set tools=%tools%Apply Task Filter,
::set tools=%tools%Author Interop Assemblies,
::set tools=%tools%Author Interface Descriptions,
::set tools=%tools%Run Assessment Wizard,
::set tools=%tools%Set Build Order,
::set tools=%tools%Create BuildSet,
::set tools=%tools%Author Resx Files,

:: Select Reports

set rprts=
:: Code Scans
::set rprts=%rprts%Source Structure,
::set rprts=%rprts%Source References,
::set rprts=%rprts%Source Members,
::set rprts=%rprts%Source GUI Scan,
::set rprts=%rprts%Source Code Scan,
::set rprts=%rprts%Iceberg,
:: Project Reports
set rprts=%rprts%Project Summary,
::set rprts=%rprts%Metrics Summary,
::set rprts=%rprts%Migration Set,
::set rprts=%rprts%Interface File Headers,
::set rprts=%rprts%Interface File ProgIds,
::set rprts=%rprts%Code Bundle Metrics,
::set rprts=%rprts%.NET Build Logs,
::set rprts=%rprts%Translation Logs,
::set rprts=%rprts%All Logs,
:: Semantic Model Reports
::set rprts=%rprts%Semantic Definitions,
::set rprts=%rprts%Semantic References,
::set rprts=%rprts%Semantic Audit,
:: Utility Reports
::set rprts=%rprts%Migration Project List,
::set rprts=%rprts%Target Code Scan,
::set rprts=%rprts%Generate Visual Studio Solution,

echo running %GmStudioExe%

set logstart=
set      mig="/MIG='%mig%'"
set    tasks="/TASKS='%tasks%'"
set    tools="/TOOLS='%tools%'"
set    rprts=/REPORTS='%rprts%'" 
set      cfg=
set   filter="/FILTER='%filter%'"

%GmStudioExe% %autoBatch% %filter% %mig% %tasks% %tools% %rprts% %cfg% %logstart%
