The form of the gmStudio command line is as shown below:
gmStudio /AUTOBATCH = ["YES"|"NO"] /CFG="cfgpath" /MIG="migpath" /TOOLS="tool_list" /TASKS="task_list" /REPORTS="report_list" [/IGNOREMRU] [/LOGSTART] where: /AUTOBATCH = "YES|NO" If AutoBatch=YES then the command list specified in the migration project file (.gmproj) will be performed. Otherwise, the set of task/tools specified on the command line will be performed. /CFG = "cfgpath" sets the path to an application config file (gmstudio.cfg) /MIG = "migpath" sets path to a migration project file (.gmproj)
Note that tools are processed before tasks.
/IGNOREMRU: do not reload most recently used project
/LOGSTART: create a diagnostic log of startup information. The file will be written to C:\Users\<NAME>\AppData\Roaming\GreatMigrations\gmstartup.*.log
Sample Command Script
- RunGmStudio.cmd: allows running gmStudio for a specific project from the command line
- RunGmStudio.cmd: allows running gmStudio for a specific project from the command line