If you need to make a series of permanent changes to the VB6 source -- for example, to make it ready for running and testing in a specific environment -- you can use the gmPL Fix command. Not to be confused with compile/fix, the gmPL Fix is a top-level command that does a search and replace on a specific named file. The command may be placed in a custom script file and added to your Migration Project file (.gmProj) so that it is handy for applying on new versions of the source as it changes over time.
For example here is a script that changes the database connection information in a file.
SrcName = [VB6_Edit] SrcProj = [C:\gmClients\clientX\proj\usr\VB6_Edit.xml] SrcType = [XML] BldType = [CUSTOM] TScript = [C:\gmClients\clientX\proj\usr\VB6_Edit.xml] <gmBasic> <Storage Action="Create" Identifier="VB6Edit" /> <Select Progress="1"/> <Fix name="Pre-Edit" fileFilter="C:\gmClients\clientX\src\Mertrix\Claims_Administration\SourceCode\frmDBselect.frm"> <Replace name="frmDBselect.frm"> <OldBlock><![CDATA[ mainModule.strprimaryConnection = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _ "Initial Catalog=" & cboDB.Text & ";Data Source=" & cboServer.Text & ";Network Library=dbnmpntw" ]]></OldBlock> <NewBlock><![CDATA[ cboServer.Text = "GMI-CS-02.gmi.local" 'GM fix: modify ConnectionString for GM Lab mainModule.strprimaryConnection = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _ "Initial Catalog=" & cboDB.Text & ";Data Source=" & cboServer.Text & ";" 'Network Library=dbnmpntw" ]]></NewBlock> </Replace> </Fix> <Storage Action="Close" /> </gmBasic>
When applied, this script produces the following log:
Basic Processor V20.01(Beta.003) System Build(12/03/13 13:51:18)
REPLACE Line=[7] Lang=[All] Name=[Pre-Edit:frmDBselect.frm] host=[C:\gmClients\clentX\src\clientX\Claims_Administration\SourceCode\frmDBselect.frm] Type=[ReplaceGlobal]
Translation Time (sec) = 0.11\