HealthMEDX -- Long-term Care and Home Health Solutions (VB6/ASP)

HealthMEDX -- Long-term Care and Home Health Solutions (VB6/ASP)

HealthMEDX used gmStudio in support of its project to upgrade its Vision product to ASP.NET/VB.NET. A large ASP/VB6/COM legacy application, this system consists of over 2,000 ASP pages, totaling over 1 Million lines of unique ASP code (LOC), plus a collection of 70 interrelated VB6/COM components totaling about 700,000 unique VB6 LOC.

In a nine-month effort (a three-month Proof of Concept followed by a six month implementation) Great Migrations assisted HealthMEDX in rewriting Vision to VB.NET and in reengineering it for the ASP.NET platform. Using gmStudio, we designed and built a migration solution that automates the rewriting of the entire application (both VB6 and ASP parts) as reengineered VB.NET code. Some of the technical highlights of this solution are as follows:

  • Rewrite the site ASPX pages with VB.NET code-behind which is organized in a large .NET web application project
  • Rewrite 400 #include files into web user controls with code-behind, as appropriate
  • Replace COM references with .NET components, including replacing ADODB-based data access calls with calls to a custom ADO.NET-based data access framework developed by HealthMEDX
  • Rework Win32 dependencies to use .NET framework classes
  • Rewrite 250K LOC of client-side VBScript as client-side Javascript
  • Rework BAS modules in the VB6 DLLs to be compatible with ASP.NET state conventions
  • Rework VB6 code file sharing to use file linking in .NET
  • Rewrite entire .NET site, including all of the re-engineering work outlined above, with gmStudio in under 15 minutes.  This quick turn around made it possible to apply the solution to a changing codebase and to iteratively implement corrections and to experiment with many design changes and optimizations throughout the course of the project.

5100 N. Towne Centre Drive
Ozark MO 65721 

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