ImportList Statement Summary
ImportList is a nonterminal, utility statement that occurs only in ImportsGlobal scripts. It specifies
the identifier of an external library whose components have been referenced by a group of code units. It
contains a series of
Referenced substatements which list the individual components within the external
that were referenced. ImportsGlobal scripts are authored by
gmBasic. Rather than authoring any local
stubs with the translated codes
gmBasic can instead manage an
ImportsGlobal_(%= langid %).xml file
which maintains a list of all referenced components in all imported references. See the
ImportsGlobal for a discussion of the process used to author these scripts.
The attributes of the
ImportList statement are as follows:
Attribute | Description
Id | This attribute simply identifies the external library that has been referenced by the
code units. It is a local filename like mso.dll or msword9.olb or
mscomctl.ocx or msado20.tlb.
The substatements of the
ImportList statement are as follows:
Substatement | Description
Referenced | This substatement specifies a particular component within the external that was referenced
along with some information about that reference.
Referenced ImportList Substatement Summary
Referenced is a terminal substatement of the
ImportList statement. It specifies a particular
component within the external identifier in the
ImportList that was referenced along with some information
about that reference.
The attributes of the
Referenced substatement are as follows:
Attribute | Description
Id | This attribute is a qualified identifier, relative to the external library, of a component
that was referenced and should be authored in the within the Global Stub.
Implemented | This attribute is a flag whose On entry indicates that the component is part of an
implemented interface.
Activex | This attribute is a flag attributable to CoClasses whose On entry indicates the CoClass
is a ActiveX control.
Hasforeach | This attribute is a flag attributable to classes and coclasses whose On entry indicates
that the component is used in ForEach and must, therefore, implement IEnumerable.
Constructor | This attribute is a flag attributable to event handlers whose On entry indicates that
they are being called directly within the code; therefore, their wrapper event arguments
class requires a constructor.
Colobject | This attribute is a flag attributable to the library whose On entry indicates that
a reference component has a collection type; therefore, the library stub must
import VBNET = Microsoft.VisualBasictype.
Eventargs | This attribute is a flag attributable to event handlers whose On entry indicates
that they have arguments.