gmStudio Pricing Information

gmStudio Pricing Information

Product Licenses

You may use gmStudio to build scalable, custom VB6/ASP/COM-to-.NET upgrade solutions.  A number of licensing options are available.


UseEvaluation OnlyUnrestrictedUnrestricted
User InterfaceFull IDEFull IDEFull IDE
Source Language VB65K LOC limit[*]10K LOC limitUnlimited LOC
Source Language ASP2.5K LOCNAUnlimited LOC
Target Language C#yesyesyes
Target Language VB.NETyesyesyes
Custom Scriptsyesyesyes
License Duration30 daysSubscriptionSubscription
Includes Standard Supportyesyesyes
ProvisioningInternalUpon RequestUpon Request
License PriceFreeFreeContact us
  • Each license is time-limited (one-month minimum).
  • Each License is tied to a single workstation.
  • Includes free product updates and Standard Support during the term of the license.
  • [*] Allows Assessment Translations of any size system

LOC = Lines of Code

About LOC Limits

A typical Professional Edition License will have no Lines of Code (LOC) limits; however the Free Licenses (Trial and Promotional Editions) have the limits mentioned above.

The LOC limits apply to the total LOC of the files referenced by your gmStudio project.  

When you are working with a project that exceeds your LOC limit, the tool will behave as normal except it will not generate .NET code. This means the Trial Edition can be used to run "Assessment Translations" and generate code analysis reports for any size system.

The LOC count includes all non-blank lines, including comment-only lines.

  • For VPB projects, the LOC is the total sum of all lines of all files referenced by all VBPs in the gmStudio project file.
  • For ASP, the LOC value is a "deep" line count: it sums up the LOC for every ASP file and all of its #include files.  ASP projects will also  need to allow for a site script that references all the pages/includes in the site to be upgraded. 

Custom licenses are also available to partners for commercial use with special terms.

 Please Contact us if you are interested in learning more.

Using the Trial with Large Systems

As described above, the free gmStudio Trial has a limit on lines of code.  If you are working with a project that exceeds the license limit, gmStudio will still process that code generating logs and reports, but it will not generate a translation.  We refer to this as an "Assessment Translations" and the resulting log will report us if there are problems with getting a baseline translation.  This can help validate the readiness of gmStudio for your code and environment.    Note that gmStudio always works best when you run it on a machine were the VB6 is know to build as this helps to ensure both the code and COM files are configured properly relative to the VBP. 

The Trial version also supports code analysis with extensive code metrics reporting features for any size codebase.  See this article that describes /wiki/spaces/BIZDEV/pages/1322599. It is for setting up code to share with us, but it applies to setting up for your an in-house assessment as well.

Having said that, while source metrics are helpful, when we do an assessment, we also run audits of the generated code and examine .NET build logs to see what we see there.  Information based on generated code is very important to estimating a project that will use gmStudio.  Source metrics are only the AS-IS part of the estimation model, TO-BE and HOW are also critical.  Contact us about Getting Started for help with large systems. 

Next Steps

  • If you would like a Quote for custom support, please Contact us directly us to arrange an assessment of your code and other requirements so that we may agree on scope, staffing, and schedule for your situation.  
  • Visit the The gmStudio Value Proposition page to understand how gmStudio can improve the ROI of your upgrade effort.
  • Visit the Getting Started page to learn about our Smart Start offering 
  • Visit the Services page to learn about support options
  • Visit the gmStudio Trial request page to learn about various options for evaluating gmStudio. 

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