Support Statement: DataLib

Support Statement: DataLib

Q: Having looked at the tool-converted code, I think the best approach would be to "rewriting the code to use a .NET emulation of ADODB (this is compatible with what you have, but still requires some work)" because any other option would require significant re-engineering to make the application work.  I wanted to run the FMStocks sample, however I couldn't find the SQL database in the zip file. I tried accessing the http://www.fmstocks.com/ website but it is not available. Wonder if you could send me the SQL script or data file by email.


A: Regarding "having looked at tool-converted code":  bear in mind that you are looking at a default conversion.  gmStudio can produce other code based on the rules you provide including automating most of the "significant re-engineering required to make the application work".  I know I mentioned this already, but most developers have difficulty grasping this concept because this type of flexibility has never been available in a software "converter".  For most developers, the best way to go is to take whatever code the tool generates right out-of-the-box and finish it by hand.  I admit, it does take effort to learn how to setup re-engineering rules in gmStudio – and, ADODB is a big API with design patterns that are quite different from design patterns for other .NET data access techniques. 

Having said this, the C# code we generated with gmStudio will be your system in the long term -- long after the conversion. This is your decision to make. 

Meanwhile, I uploaded a copy of the database files for FMStocks: http://www.greatmigrations.com/pubs/stocks_data.zip (SQL 2008).  They can also be found here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=666.

DataLib Email

I have prepared the source for DataLib and Unit Tests. Sorry for the delay, we were making some improvements that I wanted to include in your copy.

The content will be here for the next few days:

There is also a test DB for the Unit Tests

Please let me know when you have downloaded it.

About DataLib:

  • This code is offered as is, without any warranty.
  • You are responsible for testing and fixing it as needed by your application. 
  • Some of the less-frequently used ADODB features are not yet implemented. 
  • If you used a licensed copy of gmStudio to produce the code that uses DataLib, feel free to include DataLib source with other project deliverables     Having said that, we would like to hear about any problems you encounter with this code as we are always improving it here.
  • GM will provide support for DataLib in the context of an active gmStudio Statement of Work or services contract

DataLib Zip

The Dec 2013 version DataLib and Unit Tests are here: MigrationSupport.DataLib.zip 




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