gmStudio Workshop Slides
This content is from a workshop we offer to help teams get familiar with gmStudio. The bulk of the workshop is demonstrations and hands on labs, and these slides provide background.
Normally a gmStudio Workshop is done using customer codes and a modestly optimized Standard Upgrade Solution prepared by GM in a prior services engagement. In these cases, the agenda and content will focus on the deliverables associated with that engagement and also explore topics and techniques that will come into play during a potential Custom Upgrade project. However, when there is no prior services engagement with the client, the agenda and content of the workshop may be limited to the more generic upgrade samples provided by GM.
It may vary depending on client needs, but typically, each Training session is 2-4 hours in duration. There is typically a morning session and an afternoon session with a 1-hour break at midday. Training days may be spread out over several weeks if desired.
gmStudio Licenses for training are typically purchased separately or with other related services.
The syllabus shown below is a typical general training agenda for teams that have not done a project with Great Migrations prior to training. See also the workshop slides.
Prior to the workshop, each attendee should prepare as follows:
Configure a development / workshop workstation according to the recommendation described here
Install gmStudio on their workstation as discussed here
Attempt to produce a default translation of your legacy system on their workstation
Attempt to reproduce the gmStudio Upgrade Samples on their workstation
Session 1
Workshop Agenda
Objectives and Expectations
Expectations: Estimation Factors
Methodology: Concept
Methodology: Balance
Methodology: Phases
Methodology: Milestones
Methodology: Incremental Upgrade
Methodology: Functional Testing
Methodology: Project Plan
Methodology: Parts
Technology: Agenda
Technology: Overview
Technology: gmStudio
Technology: gmBasic
Technology: Semantic Model
Technology: gmBasic Internals
Technology: gmStudio Overview
Technology: gmslAPI
Technology: Upgrade Solution
Technology: Generated Files
Technology: Standard Distribution Files
Technology: gmStudio Upgrade Techniques
Technology: Upgrade Features
Technology: Workspace
Session 2
Technology (continued)
Technology: Reporting
Technology: Searching
Technology: SQL Analysis
Technology: COM Replacement
Technology: COM Upgrade Analysis
Technology: COM Upgrades Implementation
Technology: COM Replacement, Sample
Technology: More Reengineering
Technology: Select Commands
Technology: Registry Commands
Technology: Fix/Replace
Technology: Refactor Commands
Technology: Refactor/Reauthor
Session 3
In-depth Lab and Demonstrations: Scantool
Baseline Upgrade
Reporting and Analysis
Incremental Upgrade
VS Solutions
Session 4
In-depth Lab and Demonstrations: FMStocks
Baseline Upgrade
Reporting and Analysis
Incremental Upgrade
Session 5
In-depth Lab and Demonstrations: FileExplorer
Baseline Upgrade
Reporting and Analysis