The MemorySequence Service Class
The service class
MemorySequence manages memory based sequences. No matter how
carefully an information system is laid out, to be persistent, there must ultimately be
some variable length sequences of information vectors which must be stored in memory -- this
can be symbol table information, virtual page control information, or whatever other set of
information is needed.
A memory sequence consists of a set of ordered relatively short fixed-length records numbered
from 1 to n, where n is the number of records in the set. They are completely memory based
and have no upper limit other than that imposed by the platform limits. Conceptually, the
records of a sequence are viewed as records within a linear vector with no upper bound. The
algorithmic problem is that since multiple sequences must share the same linear addressing
scheme, each sequence must be blocked, and the addresses of those blocks must be retained in
higher level blocks.
The method MemorySequence_Access
UBYTE* MemorySequence_Access(void* This,int uSequence);
MemorySequence_Access method accesses a memory-based sequence. It returns a
pointer to a slot in memory which contains a specific fixed length information vector,
contained within a specified sequence and specified via its subscript or record number
(relative to one) within that sequence. This method makes no attempt to check the specified
record number for reasonableness. It assumes that no record is accessed before it has been
created. If the next record in the sequence is desired, then pass a zero record number to
this method. Its parameters are:
Parameter | Description
This | Specifies the handle of the control structure for the sequence as returned by the
MemorySequence_Create method.
uSequence | specifies the sequence number of the desired record or zero if a new record is to
be added.
The only possible error condition that can be encountered by this method is insufficient
memory to create a new block. If this occurs, then it returns a NULL; else it returns a
pointer to the record whose number was specified.
The method MemorySequence_Create
void* MemorySequence_Create(int iBlockSize,int iRecordSize);
MemorySequence_Create method creates a memory-based sequence -- i.e., a
memory-bound set of blocks containing of a sequence of relatively short fixed length records
numbered from 1 to n, where n is the number of records in the set. Its parameters are:
Parameter | Description
iBlockSize | Specifies the size of each memory block to be used to store the actual records in
the sequence and the control blocks needed to locate records by their record
iRecordSize | specifies the size of each record stored in the sequence.
This method returns the handle to the control structure for the sequence or a NULL if the
control structure cannot be created. The only possible cause of a create failure is
insufficient memory available to the process.
The method MemorySequence_Destroy
void MemorySequence_Destroy(void* This);
MemorySequence_Destroy method destroys a memory-based sequence. It frees all
memory associated with the sequence -- the record blocks, the record location blocks, and the
control structure for the sequence itself. Its parameter is:
Parameter | Description
This | Specifies the handle of the control structure for the sequence as returned by the
method MemorySequence_Create.
The method has no return value.
The method MemorySequence_GetSize
int MemorySequence_GetSize(void* This);
MemorySequence_GetSize method returns the size of a memory-based sequence -- i.e.,
the number of records in the sequence. Its parameter is:
Parameter | Description
This | Specifies the handle of the control structure for the sequence as returned by the
method MemorySequence_Create.
The methods returns the number of records in the sequence.