Q: I observe that the tool-generated C# code ADODB.cs contains only skeletal code and methods. Is this intentional?
A: Yes that is expected and intentional at this point in your project. This is described in the methodology document I sent you.
As we have no way of knowing your organization's .NET development standards, we begin with a Standard Upgrade. The "Standard Upgrade" are a starting point. Typically, you will use them for assessment and planning purposes and then modify the translation rules to produce codes that use .NET types and APIs according to your standards. That way, you end up with a more maintainable code that follows your technical standards.
For example, gmStudio can be configured to generate code using various approaches to data access:
- rewriting the code to use in-house data-access API standard (e.g.. Entity Framework or other)
- rewriting the code to use System.Data directly (see the RDO sample on our site and this: http://www.greatmigrations.com/pubs/ComponentReplacement.pdf)
- rewriting the code to use a .NET emulation of ADODB (e.g. MigrationSupport.DataLib)
- rewriting the code to use COM interop to ADODB
We distribute a small version of DataLib with the samples. It is in MigrationSupport.dll. An example of how to use the DataLib can be found in the FMStocks sample.