Generali is a leading provider of insurance products. Generali's Claims Management System is a large desktop application providing comprehensive claims management functions to the business.
Project Highlights
Main objective: complete a full, functional migration of the Claims System to the C#.NET platform using WPF.
VB6 Upgrade Effort: 30 person-months for VB6 upgrade solution development
Technical Highlights
Upgrade VB6 Forms to WPF using custom gmslAPI upgrade EXE with WPF/XAML subsystem
Upgrade ADODB to ADO SQLite
Upgrade desktop application in parallel with extensive middleware integration improvements
Using "Transform and Assemble Strategy", upgrade eleven distinct "batches" of VB6 code over a 10-month period allowing incremental transition and accelerated functional testing
Using gmSudio, Great Migrations provided initial development in implementing an automated, incremental, and repeatable upgrade solution. This included the development of a .NET-based API for developing custom upgrade solutions and gmStudio enhancements to integrate this approach. GM presented the custom solution to the customer in an intensive 2-week onsite training workshop. Subsequently, GM supported the Project Team and helped them become self-reliant in enhancing the solution for both the WPF upgrade and many other custom upgrade features.
Great Migrations would like to thank our partners at HighTechValue for giving their expertise, motivation, and commitment to customer satisfaction without which this effort could not have been a success.