Great Migrations is pleased to announce a major break through in software re-engineering: a .NET API for automating the gmBasic upgrade engine and accessing the semantic models produced by our unique linguistic compilation technology.
Our goal for this API is to provide a more powerful development platform for building advanced upgrade solutions. The API integrates the features of the Great Migrations Programming Language (gmPL) with Great Migrations Scripting Language (gmSL). The XML-based gmPL has been used for upgrade scripts as well as meta-language and COM interface description files. The C-like gmSL API has been used extensively for dynamic code templates, deep code analysis, and advanced transformations. gmPL and gmSL provide access to an extensive collection of gmBasic commands, events, and operations, but they lack key features of modern development platforms such as interactive debugging and intellisense. The new .NET-based gmslAPI addresses these limitations and provides greater access to the full power of the gmBasic translation engine. Of course, developers building upgrade solutions using gmslAPI can also use other .NET language and framework features allowing more sophisticated upgrade solutions integrating a wider array of information.
We have already developed a C# version of the WPF transformation using this API and also used it to implement several very large multi-feature upgrade solutions using C#. The API also includes special purposes classes to integrate API-based EXE upgrade tasks to integrate seamlessly with gmStudio and developed using the same procedures formally limited to XML-based gmPl script tasks.
Additional documentation and samples using the API will be published soon. Please Contact us if you are interested in learning how this technology can help you.
Preview to the draft .NET API documentation .