Computing the build order for a set of VBPs depends on the initial order of VBPs in the *.gmproj file.
You may order the projects manually in the excel representation of the *.gmproj file -- File/Edit in Excel, modify and save, then File/Load in gmStudio
VBPs manually using a text editor, or more easily using Excel (or other tab-delimited data editor). To use Excel, choose \[File/Edit] from the Main Menu, reorder the rows in Excel, save your changes, then return to gmStudio and click File/Load on the Main Menu.
If you have a manually ordered gmProj, you will want to should avoid re-running the build order tool as it will reorder things again. To avoid this, yset the order reorder the tasks according to their inter-dependencies.
You may use the settings form to make a project specific version of the build order template (rpt.vbp_ord.xml) and modify it to not generate the report. Then, if you accidentally run the build order tool, it will not re-order the gmProj file. I have not done this myself, but it should work. For example, try ; for example, commenting out the <BuildOrder/> command.
You may also put an alternate order in the UsrCmnt or UsrDesc field so that you can filter and re-sort things if you need to.
The Iceberg Report will tell you the set of VBP inter-dependencies relating for given VBP.
The VBP build order analysis and reporting process is implemented in a gmSL script, utility.gmsl, distributed with the tool.