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titleDeploy == Replace

By default, the deployment step will replace files in the deploy folder. If you have made hand changes to the code in that folder and have not captured those changes in the tool configuration , they will be lost. The rationale behind this is that the translation tuning process is iterative. We expect you to translate and re-translate your code -- each time improving the translation configuration to improve the quality of the generated code. Your fixes should be implemented in your Migration Configuration File so that they can be applied systematically and repeatedly in future iterations.



or saved a backup in another folder, your changes will be overwritten by the next deployment. 


The deploy tool is actually a command processor that can remove and create folders, and execute external programs. For example, the deploy.exe utility is used to deploy and build to binary (by running MSBuild) all the prototype assemblies generated in a prototype translation. 

Performing a Deployment with gmStudio

Deployment is a standard operation in the batch upgrade process, however if you want to deploy your migration files on demand, perform the following steps:

  1. Select [Open .NET Project Folder] on the migration unit context menu open the deployment folder for that unit.
  2. Select [View\Deploy Folder] to open the deploy folder for your migration project.

Default VB6 Deployment

Translating a VB6 migration unit produces a set of files that correspond to the ones referenced by the source VBP:




   [WorkspaceRoot] is the workspace root folder

   [MigName] is the migration project name

   [TaskName] is the original VBP file

   [TaskTag] is the task tag assigned to the task when it was added

   [Lang] is 'csh' or 'vbn' if the target language is C# or VB.Net respectively.



Select [Open .NET Project Folder] on the migration unit context menu open the deployment folder for that unit.

Select [View\Deploy Folder] to open the deploy folder for your migration project.

Example VB6 Deployment

The ScanTool sample has the following settings


Example VB6 Deployment

The ScanTool sample has the following settings

   In the project file header:

      ProjFolder = "C:\GMS\samples\workspace\DemoScanTool"
      DeployFolder = "%ProjFolder%\deploy"

   On the task records:

      TaskTag = "mgd"
      Lang = "csh"
      SrcName = "ScanToolUI" or "ScanToolLib"


By default, all files generated for the site are placed in a folder hierarchy that corresponds to the source folder hierarchy, but under the deployment folder. The deployment folder for a web translation is similar to the one used for a VB6 translation. The default folder for a migrated web site uses the following naming conventions:



   [WorkspaceRoot] is the workspace root folder

   [MigName] is the migration project name

Where are my ASPX files?

Not getting anything except empty project files from your web site translation? gmStudio probably failed the deployment step because of missing sub-directories in the \[workspace]\deploy folder.  Look at the deploy log and you will probably see error messages to that effect.  This is a common mistake with ASP migrations because by default setting up the ASPX site directory is a manual preparation step.  What we normally do is create a full empty folder tree in the deployment root using a tool like robocopy.  Of course web sites depend on many types of "pulp" files (images, css, etc.) that will also be needed to run and test the new site so you may want to copy those as well.  Again robocopy is good for setting up the "test site" directory from your current site directory.  

For ASP upgrades, you will typically associate a user batch script with the migration tasks and modify that script with the following commands:

Code Block
echo USER COMMAND: %1 [%JobId%]

::echo setup directory folders for site
robocopy "%VirtualRoot%" "%ProjFolder%\deploy" * /s /xf * /e 

::echo deleting files from deployment %ProjFolder%\deploy
del /s "%ProjFolder%\deploy\*.as*"


/s "%ProjFolder%\deploy\*.cs*"



These pre-deployment commands create empty folders to receive the 






and also delete all files 










Example Web Deployment

The DemoFMSWeb_csh.gmproj sample has the following settings:
