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Control Replacement Primer

Upgrading a control has three types of work:

1) upgrading the object model and members in logic

Good news is that this is the same as upgrading a standard (i.e. non-control) API

You will typically name the replacement control in the coClass a the bottom of the IDF.  For example:

Code Block
   <coclass id="fpText" migName="System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox" migStatus="External" role="control">
      <subclass id="IfpText"/>
      <subclass id="_DfpText"/>
   <coclass id="fpMask" migName="System.Windows.Forms.MaskedTextBox" migStatus="External" role="control">
      <subclass id="IfpMask"/>
      <subclass id="_DfpMask"/>
   <coclass id="fpDateTime" migName="RadDateTimePicker" role="control">
      <subclass id="IfpDateTime"/>
      <subclass id="_DfpDateTime"/>
   <coclass id="fpDoubleSingle" migName="System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown" migStatus="External" role="control">
      <subclass id="IfpDoubleSingle"/>
      <subclass id="_DfpDoubleSingle"/>
   <coclass id="fpLongInteger" migName="System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown" migStatus="External" role="control">
      <subclass id="IfpLongInteger"/>
      <subclass id="_DfpLongInteger"/>


Notice that adding role=control is needed to make sure the objects are added to their parent containers

If a control is being migrated to a component, do not use role=control 

2) upgrading event handlers

  • event arg types
  • event name changes
  • event handler arguiments -- these are statements added to the event handler to setup the old style event args as local variables in the handler.
Code Block
 <event id="ItemClick" netName="ItemClick" migStatus="mscomctl" role="event" 
             netArgs="ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventArgs" migPattern="ItemSelectionChanged" >
         <argument id="item" type="ListItem" status="ByVal" migPattern="%1d = e.Item" />


3) Designer code -- property initialization

  • these are specifications for what properties to set in teh designer.cs code file  adn how to set them
Code Block
* Statusbar Designer Code 
   <migClass id="NetControl.StatusBar" 
      <property id="Font" value="Font" type="FontInfo" 
                vbnPattern="New System.Drawing.Font(\s%1d\s, %2d!, %3d, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0,Byte))"
                cshPattern="new System.Drawing.Font(\s%1d\s, %2dF, %3d, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, (System.Byte)(0))"
      <property id="Location"
                vbnPattern="New System.Drawing.Point(%1d, %2d)"
                cshPattern="new System.Drawing.Point(%1d, %2d)"
      <property id="Name" type="string"
      <property id="Size"
                vbnPattern="New System.Drawing.Size(%1d, %2d)"
                cshPattern="new System.Drawing.Size(%1d, %2d)"
      <property id="TabIndex" type="Integer"

Setting a color property in the designer

The following example shows how to map a color in designer code.


Code Block
<migClass id="NetControl.fpDoubleSingle" migName="NumericUpDown" parent="fpDoubleSingle">
    <property id="BackColor" type="OLE_COLOR"
                migPattern="System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(%3d, %2d, %1d)"



gmStudio has an Open Type System that allows us to recognize, interpret, store, and express information about how VB6/ASP codes use COM APIs. This includes both third-party COM APIs and controls and COM APIs and controls defined by your VB6 codes. 

Our type system allows users to specify rules that adjust how the type system works includes

  • defining custom types,
  • enhancing the legacy COM API's object model,  and
  • mapping COM API to various .NET replacements. 

These rules may be

  • declarative using an XML notation,
  • implemented using our scripting language, and
  • implemented using our C# API. 

gmStudio's open, extensible capability for COM API replacement is arguably the most powerful feature of our platform.

Additional Reading