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Large A complex upgrade project will may have many upgrade tasks (VBPs) and many upgrade features.  The ScriptRules feature provides a means for organizing translation script rules into files based on upgrade features and then applying the content of those files to the upgrade tasks conditionally. 

Script rules are placed in a ScriptRule.xml file one or more ScriptRule files which defines collections of script commands that may be conditionally merged with the translation script template to create different actual translation scripts. The ScriptRule syntax supports script parameters and conditional commands. This makes it possible, in one template, to describe a variety of common and task-specific upgrade commands.   

ScriptRule files are also helpful for API-based upgrades tasks. These tasks use an EXE an custom migration executable implemented using gmslAPI rather than a XML script templategmBasic. The gmslAPI includes the ScriptRule class to assist with preparing a ScriptRule file content for use by the gmslAPI services.


You may add a sample ScriptRules file from the Settings form Configuration/Template Files. 

Image Added

Sample ScriptRules File

Most of the documentation for using ScriptRules is maintained in the sample ScriptRules file distributed with the product and listed below.  To you this file, add it to your user folder, modify it with the rules you need, and reference it from your main script template.

ScriptRule File Syntax
Code Block
ScriptRule Overview

   AThe ScriptRule.xml file is an XML documentdefines named collections of script commands that
may  contain onemay orbe moreconditionally ScriptRulemerged with the template translation elements.script creating These
elements and their attributesdifferent areactual describedtranslation belowscripts. This <ScriptRule id="name" Condition="condition" > elementsmakes it possible, with one 
   ScriptRuletemplate, elementsto containautomate nameda scriptvariety commandof collectionscommon and task-specific upgrade options.

  The idScriptRule attributefiles isare thealso nameneeded offor theAPI-based ScriptRuleupgrade andtasks. is alsoThese used
   tasks inuse youran translationEXE scriptimplemented tousing activategmAPI therather rule.than a XML script template. The Condition
attribute is used toThe controlgmAPI whichframework rulesincludes area mergedScriptRule intoclass providing services to 
to the actual translation script.

<Command Condition="condition"> elements

   Command elements are children of a ScriptRule that specify the content
   that should be merged into the translation script template.  The following 
   types of Command elements are currently supported:

   Option       Inserts commands that replace the <ScriptRule> tag in the 
                merged transcript, typically Select, Reference, and Registry commandsintegrate ScriptRule file content with other gmAPI services.

ScriptRule File Syntax

   A ScriptRule file is an XML document that may contain one or more ScriptRule 
   elements.  These elements and their attributes are described below.

<ScriptRule id="name" Condition="condition" > elements

   ScriptRule elements contain named script command collections
   The id attribute is the name of the ScriptRule and is also used 
   in your translation script to activate the rule.

   The Condition attribute is used to control which rules are merged into 
Compile   to the actual Insertstranslation commandsscript.
children of the Compile block. Typically
           <Command Condition="condition"> elements

   Command elements are children of a ScriptRule that specify the content
    Select, Reference, Fix, and Refactor commandsthat should be merged into the translation script template.  The following 
   types of Command elements are currently supported:

  Analyse Option       Inserts commands asthat children ofreplace the Analyse<ScriptRule> block
tag in the 
     PreAnalyse       Inserts commands before the Analysemerged blocktranscript, typically Select, refactorReference, commandsand Registry commands.
 PostAnalyse  Inserts commands after the Analyse block, typically refactor commands  
   Load  Author       InsertsInsert commands as children of the AuthorLoad block,. typicallyTypically FixFixcommands.
 PostAuthor  Compile Inserts commands after the Author block,Inserts typicallycommands topas levelchildren gmPLof commandsthe Compile block. Typically
 The Condition attribute is used to control which commands are merged into    Select, toReference, theFix, actualand translationRefactor scriptcommands.
         Condition attributes   
 A Condition attributeAnalyse may be applied to any Inserts othercommands Itchildren specifiesof the Analyse block
  condition underPreAnalyse which the elementInserts andcommands itsbefore childrenthe willAnalyse beblock, mergedtypically withrefactor thecommands
   PostAnalyse template scriptInserts tocommands createafter the actualAnalyse script.block, typically refactor commands
   Author       Inserts commands as %variable_expression%children op 'value_expression'
of the Author block, typically Fix commands

 where  PostAuthor   Inserts commands after the variable_expressionAuthor block, typically alltop scriptlevel variablesgmPL andcommands
characters   The Condition attribute opis used to control which commands are merged into 
   to the actual translation script.

Condition ==attributes
if %variable_expression% == value_expressionA Condition attribute may be applied to any other element. It specifies the 
   condition under which the element and its children will !=be truemerged ifwith %variable_expression%the !=
value_expression   template script to create the actual script.

   Syntax            =~  true if %variable_expression% matchesop regex 'value_expression'
   variable_expression   all script variables and other characters 
!~ true if %variable_expression%op does not match regex value_expression               == true if %variable_expression% == value_expression
         value_expression      a constant string or regex pattern     != true  Comparisons are case insensitive using trimmed strings.if %variable_expression% != value_expression
                         =~ true if %variable_expression% matches regex value_expression
     Relational operators are not supported, but you can use       Condition="var1.var2=='val1.val2'" to simulate locical AND !~ true if %variable_expression% does  Condition="var=~'val1|val2'"  not match regex value_expression
    to simulate logical OR     For example  Condition="%SrcName%=='ScanToolUI'" indicates that the associated      
   value_expression      a  element will only be merged for upgrade tasks having SrcName equal
   constant string or regex pattern
   Comparisons are case insensitive using trimmed strings.
            to the string "ScanToolUI".          
   Relational operators are <ForEach>,not <Iterator>supported, andbut <Each>you elementscan use
   ForEach elements are children of the ScriptRule. They allow repeating 
   Command elements for each file in the source project folder that meet 
   certain criteria.  This element may also be used to copy files
   from the source project folder to the .NET project folder.
   The set of files to iterate over is defined by a <Iterator/FileInfo> element 
   according to its attributes:  Condition="var1.var2=='val1.val2'" to simulate locical AND
      Condition="var=~'val1|val2'"       to simulate logical OR

   For example  Condition="%SrcName%=='ScanToolUI'" indicates that the associated 
                element will only be merged for upgrade tasks having SrcName equal
                to the string "ScanToolUI".
        The FileInfo Criteria attribute is a search pattern (e.g. *.wav) used to 
<ForEach>, <Iterator>, and <Each> elements

  get filesForEach fromelements theare sourcechildren folder.of the ScriptRule. They allow repeating 
   Command elements for Theeach FileInfofile Filesin attributea mayspecified befolder "All"that ormeets "Top".
 The default iscertain "All"criteria.  This element may also If Files="All", the root of the source folder and all of its sub-folders are be used to copy files
   from the specified folder to the .NET project folder.
if Files="Top", only theThe rootset of thefiles to sourceiterate folderover is searched.defined by a <Iterator/FileInfo> element 
  The CopyFilesaccording attribute may be "On" or "Off".to its attributes:  
   The defaultFileInfo@Criteria attribute is "On". If  a search pattern (e.g. *.wav) used to 
  CopyFiles="on", the get files found infrom the source project folder. will 
  be copied
   toThe theFileInfo@Folder correspondingattribute .NETspecifies projectthe folder withto directorysearch structurefor preservedfiles.
   The foldersdefault andis filesthe aresource copiedfolder priorassociated towith the translationupgrade processtask.
   %SrcFolder%, %UserFolder%, and %ProjFolder% Withinscript thevariables <Each>may block, the notation %FileInfo.member% may also be used.
refer   The FileInfo@Recurse toattribute informationmay aboutbe the"All" files found in the source folder:
or "Top".  The default is "All".  
 %FileInfo.RelativeName%: path relative toIf Files="All", the root of the source projectfolder rootand all of  %FileInfo.Name%: file nameits sub-folders are 
    %FileInfo.FullName%: full path
   %FileInfo.DirectoryName%: parent folder name

Activating a ScriptRulesearched; if Files="Top", only the root of the source folder is searched.
   AddingThe aFileInfo@CopyFiles <ScriptRule>attribute tagmay tobe the"On" script requests the merging of the named
   script collection.
or "Off".  The default is "On". If 
  <ScriptRule idCopyFiles="nameon", attributeListthe />files found in the source project Thefolder idwill attributebe specifiescopied
the command collection to addthe corresponding .NET project folder with directory Thestructure attributeListpreserved.
specifies variables that mayThe befolders referencedand elsewherefiles are copied prior to inthe thetranslation ScriptRuleprocess.
Variable references are case
insensitive.   Within the <Each> Forblock, example the followingnotation ScriptRule tag: 

   <ScriptRule id="IncludeResources" Criteria="*.wav" /> 

   requests loading the command collection named IncludeResouces and 
   creates a ScriptRule variable named %Criteria% with value = "*.wav"
Specifying the ScriptRule file

   By default, the ScriptRule XML is located in a file called ScriptRule.xml 
   and is typically kept in the workspace\usr folder.
   If desired, you may specify an alternate location using a FileName attribute%FileInfo.member% may be used to refer 
   to information about the files found in the source folder:

   %FileInfo.RelativeName%: path relative to the source project root
   %FileInfo.Name%: file name
   %FileInfo.FullName%: full path
   %FileInfo.DirectoryName%: parent folder name

Activating a ScriptRule

   Adding a <ScriptRule> tag to the script requests the merging of the named
   script collection.

   <ScriptRule id="name" attributeList /> 

   The id attribute specifies the command collection to add.

   The attributeList specifies variables that may be referenced elsewhere 
   in the ScriptRule. Variable references are case insensitive. 

   For example the following ScriptRule tag: 

   <ScriptRule id="IncludeResources" Criteria="*.wav" /> 

   requests loading the command collection named IncludeResouces and 
   creates a ScriptRule variable named %Criteria% with value = "*.wav"
Specifying the ScriptRule file

   By default, the ScriptRule XML is located in a file called ScriptRule.xml 
   and is typically kept in the workspace\usr folder.
   If desired, you may specify an alternate location using a FileName attribute
   for example:
   <ScriptRule id="ADODBUpgrade" FileName="..\usr\ADODB.Rules.xml" /> 
   The above loads the ScriptRule file named ..\usr\ADODB.Rules.xml 
   (relative to the workspace log folder).  And then merges in the 
   ScriptRule element having id="ADODBUpgrade":
   <ScriptRule id="ADODBUpgrade" Condition="%TaskTag%=='upg'" >
   ... rules to perform ADODBUpgrade for tasks having TaskTag=='upg' ...

Line Pragma

   The token %LN% placed in a ScriptRule file will expand to the form
   @ScriptRulePath@LineNumber@ in actual script.  The expanded form may then
   be parsed by gmStudio to direct the text editor to that line of code.
   For example:
   <Replace status="active" name="%LN% Add Reference to dlls: gmRTL.Core and gmRTL.WPF" lang="vbp">
   <Replace status="active" name="=@C:\gmTestBed\WPFScanTool\proj_csh\usr\ScriptRules_csh.xml@105@ Add Reference to dlls: gmRTL.Core and gmRTL.WPF" lang="vbp">
   This data will be placed into the Translation Log.  If the log is viewed as a Grid in gmStudio, double clicking the grid line
   will take you to the original line in the Script Rule file.
See Also:

   For more information, see the "Eval" VB6 Upgrade sample here
<!-- Here is a sample of the ScriptRule syntax -->
<ScriptRule id="BasicRulesStandardUpgrade">
      <!-- directories for configuration files -->

      <select Target="%UserFolder%" />
      <Select Local="%IdfFromCodeFolder%" />
      <Select System="%IdfFromIdlFolder%" />

      <!-- translation options -->

      <Select Progress="1" />
      <Select DevEnv="%DevEnv%" />
      <Select Dialect="%Dialect%" />
      <Select BuildFile="local" />

      <!-- directories for deployment and external assemblies -->

      <select VirtualRoot="%VirtualRoot%" />
      <Select DeployLocation="%NetProjFolder%" />
      <Select Library="%RuntimeFolder%" />

      <!-- custom processing commands -->

   <Compile Condition="%SrcName%=~'Project1|Project2'" >
      <!-- pre-edits -->
      <!-- compile refactors commands-->
      <!-- pre-analyse refactor commands -->
      <!-- post-analyse refactors commands-->
   <Author Condition="%SrcName%=~'Project1|Project2'" >
      <!-- post-edits -->          
      <!-- post-author refactors commands-->