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BMWFS used gmBasic (actually, a custom version of it, promulaBasic) to migrate several hundred application components from VB6/ASP to C#. The gmBasic tool was customized to perform significant restructuring of the VB6 code to conform to BMWFS's unique architecture standards, such as the following:

  • ADO to ADO.Net
  • MS Flexgrid to Xceed Grid
  • VB6 Error Handling to try-catch
  • VB6 Collection classes to client, custom collection classes
  • MSXML to System.XML
  • Windows Scripting Library to System.IO
  • Legacy Appliation Frameworks to new .NET Application Frameworks
  • VB6 ActiveX controls to FS-standardized .NET Windows Forms Classes

BMW Financial Services of North America
5550 Britton Parkway
Hilliard, OH 43026


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BMW Financial Services Testimonial
BMW Financial Services Testimonial