Translation Tests: getting to level 1
Level 1
Level 1 Testing Overview
quality means All statements of the source code translate into target code statements with and the resulting code meets generally accepted standards of well-formed syntax on the target platform. The resulting target projects are complete and well-formed and they load cleanly in the Visual Studio .NET IDE for further development.
Level 1 is also known as Translation-Complete (aka "alpha translations").
Standard Translation Test
The Standard Translation Test verifies that the migration environment is at level 0 and the source codebase can be processed by gmBasic:
Test Plan | Notes |
Steps | Highlight the migration task you wish to validate and Select [Run Translation] from the Task Context Menu.
Expected Results | The TrnStat field is set to a "SUCCESS" This indicates that the translation process was successful.
Error Condition 1 | The TrnStat field is set to "ERROR" This indicates that the translation process encountered errors while processing your VB6 codes. gmBasic errors messages are detailed. If the TrnSize=-1 then you encountered a fatal error an no code was generated. If the TrnSize is greater than 0 then you encountered gmBasic reported the error but pressed on and generated some code.
Error Condition 2 | The TrnStat field is set to "FAIL" This indicates that the translation process encountered serious errors and did not complete the translation process.
Troubleshooting | Display the Task Details tab and click the translation log button. Review the log to determine the nature of the error. You may check the [Grid] box to see the most relevant translation log messages in a grid report. Double clicking a report record will take you to the source where the error was encountered.
Resolution | Typically translation build problems are actually preparation problems. However sometimes the translator detects issues in VB6 or ASP that are not detected by the VB6 or ASP compiler. These are best addressed by adding a source edit to the translation script.
Translation problems can also result from errors in your Translation Scripts or other Configuration Files, if this is the case simply correct those files manually. |
If you think gmBasic is incorrectly reporting an error, please contact us for assistance. |
An alternative means of identifying translation problems is to run the Translation Logs report.
Deployment Test
The Deployment Test verifies that the translation was properly deployed:
Test Plan | Notes |
Steps | Highlight the migration task you wish to validate and Select [Deploy Translation] from the task context menu.
Expected Results | The LastMsg field is set to a "DEPLOYED ..." This indicates that the deployment process was successful.
Error Condition | The LastMsg field is set to "ERROR ..." This indicates that the deployment process encountered errors.
Troubleshooting | Display the Task Details tab and click the Deploy Log button. Review the log to determine the nature of the error.
Resolution | Typically deployment build problems result from locked files or other security that prevents creating or updating files or folders. |