The .NET Designer Test verifies that the designer code in your .NET UI classes (Forms and UserControls) can run correctly in the visual Studio forms designer:
TestPlanTest Plan | Notes |
Steps | 1. Open your .NET project in Visual Studio. 2. Open each UI class in the .NET forms designer. |
Expected Results | The form or control is rendered properly and looks well formed.
Error Condition | The UI class is not rendered properly, possibly all you get is an error listing.
Troubleshooting | .NET Designer errors are difficult to troubleshoot because they typically occur in logic that instantiates UI controls which is hard to access and debug. You will begin the troubleshooting problem by reviewing the designer error report.
Resolution | .NET designer problems can occur for a variety of reasons ranging from missing externals, to crude syntax errors, to more advanced compile time validation. Once a designer error is resolved you should implement the fix in the migration configuration so that it will not occur in the next translation cycle.