Q. How does the tool determine how to gmBasic migrate COM ListView.Add to WinForm ListView.Add?
Code Block |
110 int IListItems_Add(int subRoot, int iStart, int iRefer)
111 {
112 int icode;
113 int nCode;
114 tCodeBlock codptr;
115 int oper;
116 int subc;
117 tCodeBlock isOmitted;
118 int nOper;
119 int omitIndex;
120 int omitKey;
121 int omitIcon;
122 int omitSmallIcon;
123 int pattern;
125 codptr = Opcode.GetCode();
126 nCode = Opcode.GetLength()
127 icode = Opcode.GetNext(codptr,iRefer,nCode);
128 subc = 0;
129 oper = Opcode.GetOperation(codptr,icode,subc);
130 if(oper != OPC.MEM) return 0;
131 icode = Opcode.GetNext(codptr,icode,nCode);
132 oper = Opcode.GetOperation(codptr,icode,subc);
133 if(oper != OPC.LEV) return 0;
134 //Index
135 nOper = 0;
136 isOmitted = CodePattern.Read("LEV,DEF,ARG",nOper);
137 omitIndex = CodePattern.Match(icode,isOmitted);
138 icode = Opcode.FindArgumentEnd(codptr,icode,nCode);
139 oper = Opcode.GetOperation(codptr,icode,subc);
140 if(oper != OPC.LEV) return 0;
141 // Key
142 omitKey = CodePattern.Match(icode,isOmitted);
143 icode = Opcode.FindArgumentEnd(codptr,icode,nCode);
144 oper = Opcode.GetOperation(codptr,icode,subc);
145 if(oper != OPC.LEV) return 0;
146 // Text
147 icode = Opcode.FindArgumentEnd(codptr,icode,nCode);
148 oper = Opcode.GetOperation(codptr,icode,subc);
149 if(oper != OPC.LEV) return 0;
150 // Icon
151 omitIcon = CodePattern.Match(icode,isOmitted);
152 icode = Opcode.FindArgumentEnd(codptr,icode,nCode);
153 oper = Opcode.GetOperation(codptr,icode,subc);
154 if(oper != OPC.LEV) return 0;
155 // SmallIcon
156 omitSmallIcon = CodePattern.Match(icode,isOmitted);
157 icode = Opcode.FindArgumentEnd(codptr,icode,nCode);
158 oper = Opcode.GetOperation(codptr,icode,subc);
159 if(oper != OPC.CUF) return 0;
161 if(!omitIndex && !omitKey && !omitSmallIcon)
162 {
163 pattern = Symbol.FindIdentifier("MsComctlLib.ListViewLogic.Insert_Index_Key_SmallIcon");
164 }
165 else if(!omitIndex && !omitKey && !omitIcon)
166 {
167 pattern = Symbol.FindIdentifier("MsComctlLib.ListViewLogic.Insert_Index_Key_Icon");
168 }
169 else if(!omitIndex && !omitKey)
170 {
171 pattern = Symbol.FindIdentifier("MsComctlLib.ListViewLogic.Insert_Index_Key");
172 }
173 else if(!omitIndex && omitKey && !omitSmallIcon)
174 {
175 pattern = Symbol.FindIdentifier("MsComctlLib.ListViewLogic.Insert_Index_SmallIcon");
176 }
177 else if(!omitIndex && omitKey && !omitIcon)
178 {
179 pattern = Symbol.FindIdentifier("MsComctlLib.ListViewLogic.Insert_Index_Icon");
180 }
181 else if(!omitIndex && omitKey)
182 {
183 pattern = Symbol.FindIdentifier("MsComctlLib.ListViewLogic.Insert_Index");
184 }
185 else if (omitIndex && !omitKey && !omitSmallIcon)
186 {
> 187 pattern = Symbol.FindIdentifier("MsComctlLib.ListViewLogic.Add_Key_SmallIcon");
188 }
189 else if (omitIndex && !omitKey && !omitIcon)
190 {
191 pattern = Symbol.FindIdentifier("MsComctlLib.ListViewLogic.Add_Key_Icon");
192 }
193 else if (omitIndex && !omitKey)
194 {
195 pattern = Symbol.FindIdentifier("MsComctlLib.ListViewLogic.Add_Key");
196 }
197 else if (omitIndex && omitKey && !omitSmallIcon)
198 {
199 pattern = Symbol.FindIdentifier("MsComctlLib.ListViewLogic.Add_SmallIcon");
200 }
201 else if (omitIndex && omitKey && !omitIcon)
202 {
203 pattern = Symbol.FindIdentifier("MsComctlLib.ListViewLogic.Add_Icon");
204 }
205 else if (omitIndex && omitKey)
206 {
207 pattern = Symbol.FindIdentifier("MsComctlLib.ListViewLogic.Add");
208 }
209 else
210 {
211 pattern = Symbol.FindIdentifier("MsComctlLib.ListViewLogic.Add");
212 }
213 if(pattern == 0) return 0;
214 Opcode.Replace(icode,OPC.PAT,pattern,1);
215 Opcode.Delete(iRefer,2);
216 return 1;
217 }
First the gmBasic compiler processes this VB6:
Code Block |
> 657 Set liListItem = lvListView.ListItems.Add(, , itemText, "genericMedium", "genericSmall")
659 With liListItem.ListSubItems
And produces this "gmIL" in the system model:
Code Block |
Compiled IL
4082 Detailed Description of Subprogram FileExplorer.frmExploreLite.AddListItem with root address 266343:
4097 Actual vb7 Codeblock Associated with AddListItem:
4098 Offset | Sl.Start | Ql.Start | Quantity type | Opcode | Operation support information
4099 ------ | -------- | -------- | ------------- | ------ | -----------------------------
4100 0 | | | | REM | NULL
4101 5 | | | | REM | 57:Add a ListItem, then additional columns as ListSubItems.
4102 10 | | | | NEW | 656 Dim liListItem As ListItem
4103 13 | | | | DCL | Variable:liListItem:266701
>4104 18 | | | | NEW | 657 Set liListItem = lvListView.ListItems.Add(, , itemText, "genericMedium", "genericSmall")
4105 21 | 1.21 | 1.21 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LDA | Variable:liListItem:266701
4106 26 | 1.21 | 1.21 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LEV | Nest0
4107 28 | 2.28 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListView | LDA | MSComctlLib.ListView:lvListView:262825
4108 33 | 3.33 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LLP | Component:ListItems:157565
4109 38 | 2.28 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | MEM | Child
4110 40 | 3.40 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LLP | Component:Add:163224
4111 45 | 2.28 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | MEM | Child
4112 47 | 2.28 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LEV | Nest1
4113 49 | 3.49 | 3.49 | Void | DEF | Overload
4114 51 | 3.49 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | ARG | Integer
4115 53 | 3.49 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LEV | Nest1
4116 55 | 4.55 | 3.55 | Void | DEF | Overload
4117 57 | 4.55 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | ARG | String
4118 59 | 4.55 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LEV | Nest1
4119 61 | 5.61 | 3.61 | String | LDA | Variable:itemText:266487
4120 66 | 5.61 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | ARG | String
4121 68 | 5.61 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LEV | Nest1
4122 70 | 6.70 | 3.70 | String | LSC | 13:genericMedium
4123 75 | 6.70 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | ARG | String
4124 77 | 6.70 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LEV | Nest1
4125 79 | 7.79 | 3.79 | String | LSC | 12:genericSmall
4126 84 | 7.79 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | ARG | String
4127 86 | 2.28 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | CUF | Args5
>4128 88 | 2.28 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | REF | Component:Add:163224
4129 93 | 2.28 | 1.21 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | ARG | Object
4130 95 | | 2.95 | Void | CMD | Set
4131 97 | | | | REM | NULL
4132 102 | | | | NEW | 659 With liListItem.ListSubItems
During translation, the gmBasic engine calls the gmSL IListItems_Add method that examines the REF to IListItems.Add operation and modifies repalces it with the selected pattern operation, PAT.Add_SmallIcon, instead of the IListItem.Add method:
Code Block |
Modified IL
4067 Detailed Description of Subprogram FileExplorer.frmExploreLite.AddListItem with root address 266343:
4082 Actual csh Codeblock Associated with AddListItem:
4083 Offset | Sl.Start | Ql.Start | Quantity type | Opcode | Operation support information
4084 ------ | -------- | -------- | ------------- | ------ | -----------------------------
4085 0 | | | | REM | NULL
4086 5 | | | | REM | 57:Add a ListItem, then additional columns as ListSubItems.
4087 10 | | | | NEW | 656 Dim liListItem As ListItem
4088 13 | | | | DCL | Variable:liListItem:266701
4089 18 | | | | NEW | 657 Set liListItem = lvListView.ListItems.Add(, , itemText, "genericMedium", "genericSmall")
4090 21 | 1.21 | 1.21 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LDA | Variable:liListItem:266701
4091 26 | 1.21 | 1.21 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LEV | Nest0
4092 28 | 2.28 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListView | LDA | MSComctlLib.ListView:lvListView:262825
4093 33 | 3.33 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LLP | Component:ListItems:157565
4094 38 | 2.28 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | MEM | Child
4095 40 | 2.28 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LEV | Nest1
4096 42 | 3.42 | 3.42 | Integer | DEF | MissingZero
4097 44 | 3.42 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | ARG | Integer
4098 46 | 3.42 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LEV | Nest1
4099 48 | 4.48 | 3.48 | String | DEF | EmptyString
4100 50 | 4.48 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | ARG | String
4101 52 | 4.48 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LEV | Nest1
4102 54 | 5.54 | 3.54 | String | LDA | Variable:itemText:266487
4103 59 | 5.54 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | ARG | String
4104 61 | 5.54 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LEV | Nest1
4105 63 | 6.63 | 3.63 | String | LSC | 13:genericMedium
4106 68 | 6.63 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | ARG | String
4107 70 | 6.63 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | LEV | Nest1
4108 72 | 7.72 | 3.72 | String | LSC | 12:genericSmall
4109 77 | 7.72 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | ARG | String
>4110 79 | 2.28 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | PAT | Component:Add_SmallIcon:182799
4111 84 | 2.28 | 2.28 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | REF | Component:Add:163224
4112 89 | 2.28 | 1.21 | MSComctlLib.ListItem | ARG | Object
4113 91 | | 2.91 | Void | CMD | Set
4114 93 | | | | REM | NULL
4115 98 | | | | NEW | 659 With liListItem.ListSubItems
Finally, the Author "executes" the modified IL to emit the surface form of the selected pattern with arguments:
Code Block |
378 private void AddListItem(string itemKey,string itemText,string itemSize,string itemType,DateTime itemModified)
379 {
> 383 liListItem = lvListView.Items.Add(itemText,"genericSmall");
See also
FileExplorer sample