A complex upgrade project will may have many upgrade tasks (VBPs) and many rulesupgrade features. The ScriptRules feature provides a means for organizing the translation script rules into files based on upgrade features and then applying the content of those files to the upgrade tasks conditionally.
Script rules are placed in a ScriptRule.xml file one or more ScriptRule files which defines collections of script commands that may be conditionally merged with the translation script template to create different actual translation scripts. The ScriptRule syntax supports script parameters and conditional commands. This makes it possible, in one template, to describe a variety of common and task-specific upgrade commands.
ScriptRule files are also helpful for API-based upgrades tasks. These tasks use an EXE an custom migration executable implemented using gmslAPI rather than a XML script templategmBasic. The gmslAPI includes the ScriptRule class to assist with preparing a ScriptRule file content for use by the gmslAPI services.