Code Block |
Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Sleep 500
We want no declaration and calls like this:
To make things more interesting this Declare was in a module that was shared throughout the system; the declaration is being moved into a host project using the Shared
Code Block |
<Compile Condition="%SrcName%=='AppCommon'">
<Migrate id="GlobalDeclarations.Sleep" nPram="2" migName="System.Threading.Thread.Sleep" migStatus="external" />
Changes the calls in AppCommon as expected |
Code Block |
<method id="Sleep" migName="System.Threading.Thread.Sleep" type="Void">
<argument id="dwMilliseconds" type="Integer" status="ByVal"/>
The migName attribute alters calls made to the method the codes that reference AppCommon.DLL. |
Code Block |
<Author Condition="%SrcName%=='AppCommon'">
<Fix host="%SrcName%" name="PostEdit">
<Replace name="Remove GlobalDeclaration.Sleep">
public static extern void System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(int dwMilliseconds);
</Fix> |