Even production tested VB6/ASP code may contain bugs or ambiguities that go unreported on the legacy platform. These "bad source code" problems can cause explicit translation errors or produce undesirable translation results. gmBasic does its best to interpret whatever code you give it, but if there are problems in the source they may lead to problems in .NET unless they are corrected. This article describes how to address this in the context of gmStudio upgrade work.
Of course one can always directly modify your source code to correct or improve "bad code", however doing this may cause the source code to diverge from the production code in undocumented and unrepeatable or unintentional ways. If the source codes are also being updated for other maintenance, the "bad code fixes" may be lost when you merged changes. The preferred way to make "bad code fixes" to improve translation results is to use the gmBasic Pre-editor.