Versions Compared


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gmBasic is a powerful code transformation tool that reads, interprets, and rewrites VB6/ASP/COM systems as for .NET code (C# using eC# or VB.NET). We are always improving gmBasic to make it more robust and flexible so that it produces cleaner, more correct results. This distribution, Version 30.75, includes several enhancements:

  • Improves the general ability to produce accurate, build-complete .NET code (C# and VB.NET) systems from VB6 code (most recently making enhancements needed to upgrade a large insurance application with 26 VBPs referencing 592 code files containing 575K LOC and 34 third-party-COM components)
  • Improves accuracy and readability of certain complex conditional expressions
  • Improves default C# coding style to use lightweight object-oriented coding conventions (formerly this required the "SubSystem=loc" directiveoption)
  • Improves default VB.NET coding style to favor using VB.NET run-time support rather than extension methods
  • Improves handling identifiers containing international characters


  • Improves standard ScriptRules.xml template
  • Improves standard translation templates to assume new C# dialect rather than the deprecated "SubSystem=loc" directiveoption
  • Improves Analytics Reports and Audits Reports script templates to use gmMetrics
  • Changes default handling of Line to migrate to MigrationSupport.Line rather than Label
  • Removes SubSystem=loc; The loc conventions are now the default for translation to C#
  • Removes SubSystem=lob; VB.NET bias is now the default for translation to VB.NET
  • Improves migration of VB6 File System Listbox controls to facilitate stub framework integration
