Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


For example here is a script that changes the database connection information in a file.


Code Block
SrcName = [MertrixVB6VB6_Edit]
SrcProj = [C:\gmClients\clientX\proj\usr\MertrixVB6VB6_Edit.xml]
SrcType = [XML]
BldType = [CUSTOM]
TScript = [C:\gmClients\clientX\proj\usr\MertrixVB6VB6_Edit.xml]

<Storage Action="Create" Identifier="VB6Edit" />
<Select Progress="1"/>
<Fix  name="Pre-Edit" fileFilter="C:\gmClients\clientX\src\Mertrix\Claims_Administration\SourceCode\frmDBselect.frm">
<Replace name="frmDBselect.frm">
        mainModule.strprimaryConnection = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _
        "Initial Catalog=" & cboDB.Text & ";Data Source=" & cboServer.Text & ";Network Library=dbnmpntw"
cboServer.Text = "GMI-CS-02.gmi.local" 'GM fix: modify ConnectionString for GM Lab
        mainModule.strprimaryConnection = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _
        "Initial Catalog=" & cboDB.Text & ";Data Source=" & cboServer.Text & ";" 'Network Library=dbnmpntw"
<Storage Action="Close" />
